Off-World Metallicity offers us the Next Great Thing / Brad Guth
(too old to reply)
Brad Guth
2011-12-06 06:27:38 UTC
Off-World metallicity is simply offering us the next great future gold-
rush x 1000, as a highly profitable metallicity era providing darn
good employment plus extremely valuable resources that our planet as
is seems to be running out of affordable and much less environmentally
failsafe options, not to mention the past and ongoing environmental
plus genetic trauma that’s caused by existing methods (including human
genetic mutations, multiple cancers and premature deaths) that can be
directly linked to existing mining, hydrocarbon extractions, various
processing activities and their methods of forced cultivation and
product distributions for our use and consumption in order to sustain
the mainstream status quo.
Assuming our planet Earth isn’t going to implode on us, the moon isn’t
going to fall on us and that our current or future leaders are not
going to cause WW3, or that our terrestrial metallicity of common and
rare metals, minerals, hydrocarbons, fresh water and our global
biodiversity are never going to get depleted past the point of no
return, the only valid reason for going off-world is simply for the
greater fun, profits and less terrestrial trauma to our frail
environment that seems to be in great need of salvaging as is, not to
mention billions more of us humans on their way plus our escalating GW/
AGW factor that’s compromising virtually everything we know and
supposedly cherish about our overpopulated planet as is.
 Brad Guth, Brad_Guth, Brad.Guth, BradGuth, BG / “Guth Usenet”
I’m thinking platinum, gold, silver and those multiple rare-earths are
really only limited or getting scarce here on Earth, whereas upon our
moon and especially the extremely nearby planet Venus is hardly going
to be deficient of such metallicity. With essentially unlimited and
actually clean energy that’s existing as is for exploiting our
physically dark moon and especially from the planet Venus that’s still
so geologically surface active, means that at least the necessary
energy for those explorations, extraction, processing and export of
such valuable metallicity shouldn’t be all that problematic.

This future off-world version of mining rare earths represents a
metallicity-rush era that could make gold, platinum and even diamonds
too common and perhaps even eventually too cheap to hoard, so that
kind of puts those oligarchs of DeBeers, China and Rothschilds in a
rather poor global market devaluation situation, plus further loss of
authority over the rest of us. Naturally the well established
defenders of our public funded and faith-based mainstream status-quo
would certainly do whatever it takes for keeping such off-world
resources as taboo, forbidden or unattainable in order to sustain
their terrestrial hoarding and artificial scarcity leverage they have
on us. Imagine what dumping a thousand tonnes of platinum or gold
onto the global market would do to its terrestrial value, or even
those elements of radium, rhodium and thorium are not exactly dirt

Even though initially spendy for exploiting off-world mining, whereas
instead of risking human lives it’ll mostly involve robotic
excavating, processing and somewhat automated shipments back to Earth
that will likely make those previous terrestrial gold-rush eras seem
like primitive practice dry runs. Off-world basics of mining
carbonado/diamond and even common ores of iron plus those high
concentrations of titanium as well as thorium, uranium and many other
heavy elements are not exactly of insignificant value to us, and
getting especially valuable when terrestrial resources are either
running on near empty or just getting too spendy and/or too
politically and human life risky to obtain, plus otherwise hoarded and
artificially overvalued by those within upper most 0.0001% (7000
individuals). Those Canadian oil-sands represent a negative energy
coefficient factor once everything gets taken into account, not to
mention their horrific environment impact that has to include more
than doubling the carbon footprint per unit of energy, and otherwise
the fracking of deep shale in order to extract natural gas that has
multiple impurities to process out and involves multiple environmental
consequences (all of which being negative) is also not exactly a
viable energy alternative compared to the relatively failsafe thorium
fueled reactors that we should have been going full steam ahead with
as of more than a decade ago (instead, we get to go to war).

In addition to discovering and exploiting a treasure trove of minerals
or raw element wealth, we should also ponder that there are perhaps
safer planets or moons that humanity and all other forms of complex
biodiversity might actually better survive those future asteroid
encounters of the lithobraking impact kind. It’s understood that even
fast moving molecular/nebula clouds of sufficient metallicity can
become downright lethal to surface life as we know it (such as when
the nearby Sirius B terminated into a white dwarf), as well as our own
sun is perfectly capable of tossing a fast 1e14 kg halo CME at us,
which would easily penetrate our natural global defenses and thereby
cause great amounts of damage to our less than robust infrastructure
(including satellite damage could be rather extensive), though
fortunately and lucky for us that most nasty CMEs have been under 5e13
kg, seldom exceeding 2000 km/s nor having been directed at us.
However, something of good mass (such as a large asteroid or small
planetoid) directly impacting our sun could easily cause a 1e15 kg

As those Sirius stars close in on us, their Kuiper belt and
considerable Oort cloud of numerous items of good size and mass could
easily interact with our solar system, including the increasing odds
of perturbing something into impacting us or our sun. Without the
like of JWST along with a StarShade, we don’t even have a good method
of detecting such icy threats.

With certainty, the mostly geothermally made toasty planet Venus
offers terrific potential of becoming safer than Earth when it comes
down to surviving a truly nasty halo CME, plus better situated and
greater shielded as for fending off cosmic energy and those passing
molecular/nebula clouds of any great metallicity, because that’s
exactly what an extremely dense atmosphere that’s continually
replenished from within kind of does. Even asteroids focused upon
impacting Venus are going to get their arrival moderated down to a
dull roar due to the terrific density of its thick atmosphere, whereas
our nearly naked Earth is eventually going to get seriously nailed at
near full velocity. The mostly geothermally heated surface of Venus
is simply better protected from solar and cosmic radiation, as well as
whatever local radioactive deposits are more than a hundred fold
better shielded and/or attenuated by way of the given density of that
mostly CO2 atmosphere. Of course there’s always a systemic risk in
doing most anything on or off-world, however the payback of mining
asteroids plus that of extracting valuable elements from our
physically dark moon as well as going for the extremely nearby planet
Venus seems to suggest a way better investment payback than our
government agencies and their contracted (public funded) partners have
been allowing us to realize.

Heavy metallicity saturated asteroids like YU55 are a dime a dozen, so
to speak. This is simply a perfectly fair cost or investment analogy
relative to the greater worth of their metallicity plus offering a few
off-world OASIS/gateway considerations that could become real handy.
For example, our second moon/asteroid Cruithne would make a very good
outpost/gateway and fuel depot/OASIS, although setting up Venus L2
would certainly be much cooler, stable and reliably passing within 100
LD every 19 months. Even LiftPort is officially doing their LSEI
version of my LSE-CM/ISS (lunar space elevator with its enormous
counter mass hosting its international space station outpost/oasis/
gateway, plus having its secondary tethered science and energy
transfer platform reaching to within 6r of Earth), though LSEI or even
my LSE-CM/ISS is not nearly as ambitious as relocating our moon to
Earth L1.

I could imagine processing through not more than 10% from any given
asteroid is going to become worth trillions, or in the case of our
moon taking but 0.0001% (7.35e16 kg) could easily represent a hundred
million trillion ($1300/kg), or even worth a billion trillion ($13,000/
kg). Obviously extracting a millionth of the metallicity mass from
our moon couldn’t possibly hurt a damn thing, other than leaving
excavated tunnels within that robust paramagnetic basalt that can be
reutilized as future habitats and off-world infrastructure by way of
TBMs clearing out 10% of lunar volume (2.2e18 m3) from within or
underneath that thick and fully fused paramagnetic basalt crust.
(that’s only providing 220e6 m3 of extremely safe underground habitat
for each of ten billion of us, or 2.2e9 m3 for one billion of us, and
those lunar TBM tailings or spoils from such extensive tunneling can
just get piled up on the surface or dumped into nearby craters for
future processing)

Gold is currently at $60K/kg (should be worth at least $64K/kg by
2012), and we're being informed that terrestrial deposits likely had
something to do with asteroid impacts. I do believe the moon provides
ample evidence of asteroid impacts, and there are certainly more
spendy elements than gold, such as the value of bulk radium (Ra226)
can easily fetch $128M/kg (I’ve found other sources as having
specified a production cost of $75M/kg, although its artificial
scarcity and hoarding can easily double that).

‘Today, because of simplified methods of production, the market value
of a gram is $70,000. This means that one ounce of radium would cost
$1,960,000. The New York State Hospital at Buffalo recently bought
$300,000 worth of radium at that rate. Its records show that 800
persons have been cured of cancer since its use there. The invention
of radium emanation apparatus has helped the cause immensely.”

Ra226 at $75K/g and with market profiteers hording radium for medical
and research use, including their artificial rare-earth scarcity
charge of $1K/mg of medical dosage is a market value of $1B/kg,
compared to the nearly worthless element of platinum in bulk is only
good for $54K/kg. Besides various bulk volumes of rare metallicity,
there’s also He3 for fusion energy applications, and of course
extracting water and oxygen as byproducts of processing lunar basalt
bedrock shouldn’t be exactly worthless, and otherwise I can’t hardly
imagine our moon or Venus without radium or plutonium when they each
seem to have more than their fair share of uranium and thorium.

He3 as derived from terrestrial resources is currently pegged as worth
$4M/kg, although that price could easily tank below $1M/kg or less if
it were simply obtained from natural gas that’s still wasting the vast
bulk of it.
We have consistently disregard and essentially vented all the He3 in
our natural gas, just like we’ve ignored most all the He4 from the
very get-go. At 5 cents/kwhr makes He3 worth $3B/tonne, and with good
automation for obtaining He3 from natural gas should drive that
terrestrial value down below $1B/tonne, and exporting He3 from our
shouldn’t be all that costly, as long as it’s not the one and only
extracted element. However, a low density asteroid like Cruithne of
1.3e14 kg and even a heavy metallicity density YU55 should each be
loaded with He3.

Radium that gives us radon gas is actually a decay byproduct or
secondary element of going after uranium and thorium, as well as
contained in spent nuclear fuels (especially found in MOX, and of
course that element of plutonium as a metal being worth $11M/kg isn’t
exactly insignificant value). Of course terrestrial hydrocarbon
fuels have always had trace amounts of radioactive elements including
plutonium and radium, whereas essentially all of that hydrocarbon
laced with elements like plutonium and radium gets tossed into the
environment. (lucky us, and don’t even bother to ask how much helium
gets vented)

Of course going off-world for just one specific element as obtained
from our physically dark moon or from Venus would be downright silly
and spendy as hell, especially silly when so many other valuable
metallicity elements plus He3 exist.

William Mook has been telling us for years, and keeps telling us why
and how to go about gathering up, mining and processing asteroids.
Right now with existing TBM applied technology there are somewhat
limited metallicity deposits (especially of rare earths) on our
planet, whereas going off-world seems kind of unlimited, especially
when considering what our moon and the extremely nearby planet Venus
should have to offer. Thereby spending a trillion to capture a given
asteroid and setting up those mostly robotic methods of mining,
processing and exporting is less than a drop of financial investment
in the otherwise overflowing buckets of investment returns, and no
doubt those smarter than us ETs would naturally have known this. Of
course we don’t have to bother with capturing the asteroid/planetoid
Selene that’s worth 7.35e22 kg of raw elements, because it’s already
parked in a relatively stable orbit, as well as ideal for
accommodating the LSE-CM/ISS (aka Lunar Space Elevator to/from its L1)
that I’ve mentioned only a few thousand times.

Even relatively common terrestrial elements such as iron have been
causing absolutely horrific environmental trauma and terrain carnage,
not to mention the energy taken for the mining excavations, transport,
processing and finished product distribution, plus some metals having
a few social/political tensions that tend to get some of us killed.
Therefore, obtaining such metallicity elements from a passing asteroid
that’s captured, or from that of our moon or even from the extremely
nearby planet Venus seems kind of obvious, whereas each of those
having their very own unlimited renewable energy and no stinking
Greenpeace or any other tree-hugging environmentalists, biodiversity
protectors nor complex regulatory agencies to contend with, could make
our wild west seems like a preschool temper tantrum because of the
wealth and subsequent hording and greed that’ll likely happen unless
private enterprise is allowed to function without the usual social/
political or faith-based authority getting involved.

Obviously our DARPA, NASA nor any other public-funded agency or
contracted teams of our supposedly democratic republic are not going
to step-up and announce squat via mainstream media, or otherwise
bother to educate this generation nor even the next K12 and higher
educated republic about such off-world matters, and unfortunately our
President BHO is too preoccupied with his political damage-control
issues of excessive federal debt and energy shortages to be of any
use, and his somewhat unproductive energy wizard Steven Chu is also in
damage-control mode, plus William Mook as our resident fly-by-rocket
and energy wizard of Oz doesn’t seem to have the necessary resources
to accomplish any of this alone. So, as long as terrestrial
geothermal, solar and wind derived energy are not going to be allowed
to flourish on any large scale competitive basis, is what kind of
leaves the rest of us stuck with off-world alternatives that may seem
like another wild west kind of gold-rush era because, no government of
Earth can say or enforce squat about individuals and private investors
going after off-world stuff, unless they have their N.W.O. plans of
shooting us citizens of Earth out of LEO or otherwise keeping us away
from exploiting our moon.

So what the hell are the rest of us village idiots still waiting for?

Brad Guth, Brad_Guth, Brad.Guth, BradGuth, BG / “Guth Usenet”
Brad Guth
2011-12-06 06:30:19 UTC
Surface exposed metallicity has unavoidable color/hue issues that even
the most politically and faith-based conditional physics that’s
apparently genetically colorblind, can’t forever hide from the rest of
us normal humans, and it’s especially exposed to us by the naked
environment of our physically dark moon (best detected from orbit
since nothing of our Apollo era color seemed to work). So, perhaps
the next great thing will have to be getting our basic awareness of
metallicity up to snuff.

Of course gamma spectrometry also detects surface as well as bedrock
saturations of metallicity, and we’ve had that capability as of during
and ever since our Apollo era. With terrific improvements in our
gamma spectrometry, there’s really no excuse that I can think of, as
to why we haven’t quantified and having published those public-funded
metallicity results for all to see.

A natural but obviously color/hue saturation enhanced image (meaning
not actually faked or artificially colorized, but just allowing all
those natural metallicity colors equally boosted) of our physically
dark moon, thereby showing us what sort of minerals or raw metallicity
elements exist upon that physically dark and mostly basalt surface.
Of course, even as of our NASA/Apollo era utilizing Kodak color film
could have easily accomplished this extra color saturation with at
least ten fold better resolution as each and every mission passed
gradually through the earth-moon L1 (roughly 60,000 km above the
surface), though of course that sort of terrific science photo-op
never seemed to happen.
Loading Image...

Or this next one could have been obtained from Apollo orbit at 100 km
and offering at least 100 fold better resolution, which should have
been easily accomplished by pushing color saturation and developing
their 100 ASA/ISO film as 25 ASA/ISO.
Loading Image...

Instead of K12s and others learning about the various metallicity
elements of our physically dark and naked moon, that should have
offered loads of physically dark color naturals as well as those UV
reactive bluish and purple and some violet colors, we keep getting
this extremely pastel kind of near monochromatic grayish terrain that
offers a rather terrific albedo that even their very own LRO mission
still can’t seem to reconcile.
Loading Image...

Apparently our physically dark moon is the one and only off-world
location that gets to have a remarkably brighter albedo rating (even
with a first rate polarized optical element), as well as physically
becomes a whole lot smoother eroded and somehow loses its color/hue
saturations as well as UV reactive secondary fluorescent colors of
whatever metallicity/minerals as the closer you get to it, so our moon
and everything of those six perfection Apollo missions must have been
almost entirely visual spectrum color-blinded plus UV inert, because
after 5 previous tries it seems they plus every possible expertise of
Kodak and Zeiss still couldn’t seem to get it right.
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Of course this next one of the NASA/Apollo monochromatic moon is
totally bogus, though it demonstrates how such photographics can be
faked and sold off as the real thing, even though it was technically
impossible for Earth to be that low to the horizon and otherwise
depicting such a lander with hardly any full-shade contrast issues
should have been technically impossible.
Loading Image...

And we still have this infamous “Doble11” image that was initially
created by NASA, officially hyped and sold as an autographed certified
image which further proves the existing Kodak and fellow FUD-master
expertise of that era was virtually undetectable as being faked. In
other words, absolutely anything could be added or subtracted without
the least bit of forensic discovery risk.
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Apparently our NASA wants all of us to dial down the color saturation
on our computers and HDTV sets, so as to see and only interpret
everything in a monochromatic form of colorless gray-tone images,
perhaps so that we don’t have to bother wondering about what sort of
materials or elements are being imaged, nor taking into account the
light source spectrum that tends to offer those pesky secondary/recoil

I’m certainly not the only diehard critic that still has photographic
interpretation related issues with our “Apollo image anomalies” and
their still secretive/nondisclosure mission related technology that
others can’t seem to replicate to save their soul, although I seem to
be unique in pointing out the unusually bright albedo and those
extremely low contrast issues (with obvious FOV reference items to
objectively calibrate by), along with the rather smooth/rounded-off
terrain of our naked moon having such total absence of metallicity/
mineral colors, plus the exclusion of all UV secondary/recoil
fluorescent hues. Also, apparently God turned off the cosmic gamma,
as well as having nullified cosmic and solar X-rays in addition to
having nullified all local radioactive metallicity factors for each
and every one of those Apollo missions, so that their Kodak film was
never at risk (eliminating anticathode physics is actually a rather
nifty trick). Remember that upon our naked and electrostatic charged
moon that’s also nicely paramagnetic, there is essentially no local
radiation attenuation or magical exclusion from local radioactive
elements or from the very same cosmic and solar gauntlet that our
magnetosphere and Van Allen belts get to deal with, plus extra dosage
because of whatever the electrostatic charge and gravity holds onto
isn’t exactly helping.

By not having interactive science instruments on the moon is a primary
reason why we still can’t objectively figure out how it was
accomplished and to what extent that environment can be survived by
private individuals going after those local elements. So it’s quite
obvious and perfectly clear that our public-funded DARPA, NASA and
pretty much everything the least bit Apollo era related isn’t going to
lift a public-funded finger as to further researching and/or
exploiting the terrific metallicity of our moon, nor much less that of
the extremely nearby planet Venus.

If you happen to have a typically mainstream closed mindset (as per
requirement of that nondisclosure policy you’ve contracted yourself
to), then don't even bother yourself to constructively look at Venus
unless you do not mind discovering what your government and their
insider army of public-funded peers, contractors and FUD-masters
hasn’t been willing to tell us about our paramagnetic moon and such a
nearby planet of terrific metallicity that’s so geothermally active
and metallicity worthy.

Lava channels, Lo Shen Valles, Venus from Magellan Cycle 1
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“Guth Venus”, at 10x resample/enlargement of the area in question:
Brad Guth / Blog and my Google document pages:
Brad Guth, Brad_Guth, Brad.Guth, BradGuth, BG / “Guth Usenet”
Brad Guth
2011-12-07 11:59:04 UTC
Off-World metallicity is simply offering us the next great future gold-
rush x 1000, as a highly profitable metallicity era providing darn
good employment plus extremely valuable resources that our planet as
is seems to be running out of affordable and much less environmentally
failsafe options, not to mention the past and ongoing environmental
plus genetic trauma that’s caused by existing methods (including human
genetic mutations, multiple cancers and premature deaths) that can be
directly linked to existing mining, hydrocarbon extractions, various
processing activities and their methods of forced cultivation and
product distributions for our use and consumption in order to sustain
the mainstream status quo.
Assuming our planet Earth isn’t going to implode on us, the moon isn’t
going to fall on us and that our current or future leaders are not
going to cause WW3, or that our terrestrial metallicity of common and
rare metals, minerals, hydrocarbons, fresh water and our global
biodiversity are never going to get depleted past the point of no
return, the only valid reason for going off-world is simply for the
greater fun, profits and less terrestrial trauma to our frail
environment that seems to be in great need of salvaging as is, not to
mention billions more of us humans on their way plus our escalating GW/
AGW factor that’s compromising virtually everything we know and
supposedly cherish about our overpopulated planet as is.
 Brad Guth, Brad_Guth, Brad.Guth, BradGuth, BG / “Guth Usenet”
I’m thinking platinum, gold, silver plus those multiple rare-earths
are really only limited or getting scarce here on Earth, whereas upon
our moon and especially the extremely nearby planet Venus is hardly
going to be deficient of such metallicity. With essentially unlimited
and actually clean energy that’s already existing as is for exploiting
our physically dark moon and especially from the planet Venus that’s
still so geologically active (surface age of less than 300 million
years), means that at least the necessary energy for those
explorations, extraction, processing and export of such valuable
metallicity shouldn’t be all that problematic. Of course it’ll
involve spendy technology, but there’s no shortage of wealth to pay
for any of that once this ball gets rolling.

This future off-world version of mining what we call rare earths or
even common alloys represents a metallicity-rush era that could make
gold, platinum and even diamonds too common and perhaps even
eventually too cheap to hoard, so that kind of puts those oligarchs of
DeBeers, China and Rothschilds in a rather poor global market
devaluation situation, plus further loss of authority over the rest of
us. Naturally the well established defenders of our public funded and
faith-based mainstream status-quo would certainly do whatever it takes
for keeping such off-world resources as taboo, forbidden or
unattainable in order to sustain their terrestrial hoarding and
artificial scarcity leverage they have on us. Imagine what dumping a
thousand tonnes of platinum or gold onto the global market would do to
its terrestrial value, or even those elements of radium, rhodium and
thorium are not exactly dirt cheap.

Even though initially spendy for exploiting via such off-world mining,
whereas instead of continually risking human lives it’ll mostly
involve robotic excavating, processing and somewhat automated
shipments back to Earth that will likely make those previous
terrestrial gold-rush eras seem like primitive practice dry runs. Off-
world basics of mining carbonado/diamond and even common ores of iron
plus those high concentrations of titanium as well as thorium, uranium
and many other heavy elements are not exactly of insignificant value
to us, and getting especially valuable when terrestrial resources are
either running on near empty or just getting too artificially inflated
and/or too politically and human life risky to obtain, plus otherwise
hoarded and artificially overvalued by those within upper most 0.0001%
(7000 individuals). For example, those Canadian oil-sands represent a
negative energy coefficient factor once everything gets taken into
account, not to mention their horrific environment impact that has to
include more than doubling the carbon footprint per unit of energy,
and otherwise the fracking of deep shale in order to extract natural
gas that has multiple impurities to process out and involves multiple
environmental consequences (all of which being negative) is also not
exactly a viable energy alternative compared to the relatively
failsafe thorium fueled reactors that we should have been going full
steam ahead with as of more than a decade ago (instead, we get to go
to war that costing us twice again as much in addition to causing
horrific trauma plus the ongoing collateral of making folks dead).

In addition to discovering and exploiting a treasure trove of minerals
or raw element wealth, we should also ponder that there are perhaps
safer planets or moons that humanity and all other forms of complex
biodiversity might actually better survive those future asteroid
encounters of the lithobraking impact kind. It’s understood that even
fast moving molecular/nebula clouds of sufficient metallicity can
become downright lethal to surface life as we know it (such as when
the nearby Sirius B terminated into a white dwarf), as well as our own
sun is perfectly capable of tossing a fast 1e14 kg halo CME at us,
which would easily penetrate our natural global defenses and thereby
cause great amounts of damage to our less than robust infrastructure
(including satellite damage could be rather extensive), though
fortunately and lucky for us that most nasty CMEs have been under 5e13
kg, seldom exceeding 2000 km/s nor having been directed at us.
However, something of good mass (such as a large asteroid or small
planetoid) directly impacting our sun could easily cause a 1e15 kg

We also do not have forever, because as those Sirius stars close in on
us, their Kuiper belt and considerable Oort cloud of numerous items of
good size and mass could easily interact with our solar system,
including the increasing odds of perturbing something into impacting
us or our sun. Without the likes of JWST along with a StarShade, we
don’t even have a good method of detecting such icy threats, much less
the necessary robust infrastructure with reserves of most everything
it’ll take in order to survive our next cosmic encounter. I’m
absolutely certain if those dinosaurs knew of and had prepared for the
worse, that many of their species would still be alive today.

With certainty, the mostly geothermally made toasty planet Venus
offers terrific potential of becoming safer than Earth when it comes
down to surviving a truly nasty halo CME, plus better situated and
greater shielded as for fending off cosmic energy and those passing
molecular/nebula clouds of any great metallicity, because that’s
exactly what an extremely dense atmosphere that’s continually
replenished from within kind of does. Even asteroids focused upon
impacting Venus are going to get their arrival moderated down to a
dull roar due to the terrific density of its thick atmosphere, whereas
our nearly naked Earth is eventually going to get seriously nailed at
near full velocity. The mostly geothermally heated surface of Venus
is simply better protected from solar and cosmic radiation, as well as
whatever local radioactive deposits are more than a hundred fold
better shielded and/or attenuated by way of the given density of that
mostly CO2 atmosphere. Of course there’s always a systemic risk in
doing most anything on or off-world, however the payback of mining
asteroids plus that of extracting valuable elements from our
physically dark moon as well as going for the extremely nearby planet
Venus seems to suggest a way better investment payback than our
government agencies and their contracted (public funded) partners have
been allowing us to realize.

Heavy metallicity saturated asteroids like YU55 are a dime a dozen, so
to speak. This is simply a perfectly fair cost or investment analogy
relative to the greater worth of their metallicity plus offering a few
off-world OASIS/gateway considerations that could become real handy.
For example, our second moon/asteroid Cruithne would make a very good
outpost/gateway and fuel depot/OASIS, although setting up Venus L2
would certainly be much cooler, stable and reliably passing within 100
LD every 19 months. Even LiftPort is officially doing their LSEI
version of my LSE-CM/ISS (lunar space elevator with its enormous
counter mass hosting its international space station outpost/oasis/
gateway, plus having its secondary tethered science and energy
transfer platform reaching to within 6r of Earth), though LSEI or even
my LSE-CM/ISS is not nearly as ambitious as relocating our moon to
Earth L1.

I could imagine processing through not more than 10% from any given
asteroid is going to become worth trillions, or in the case of our
moon taking but 0.0001% (7.35e16 kg) could easily represent a hundred
million trillion ($1360/kg), or even worth a billion trillion ($13,600/
kg). Obviously extracting a millionth of the metallicity mass from
our moon couldn’t possibly hurt a damn thing, other than leaving
excavated tunnels within that robust paramagnetic basalt that can be
reutilized as future habitats and off-world infrastructure by way of
TBMs clearing out 10% of lunar volume (2.2e18 m3) from within or
underneath that thick and fully fused paramagnetic basalt crust.
(that’s only providing 220e6 m3 of extremely safe underground habitat
for each of ten billion of us, or 2.2e9 m3 for one billion of us, and
those lunar TBM tailings or spoils from such extensive tunneling can
just get piled up on the surface or dumped into nearby craters for
future processing)

Gold is currently at $60K/kg (should be worth at least $64K/kg by
2012), and we're being informed that terrestrial deposits likely had
something to do with asteroid impacts. I do believe the moon provides
ample evidence of a rather considerable number of asteroid impacts,
and there are certainly more spendy elements than gold, such as the
value of bulk radium (Ra226) can easily fetch $128M/kg (I’ve found
other sources as having specified a production cost of $75M/kg,
although its artificial scarcity and hoarding can easily double that).

‘Today, because of simplified methods of production, the market value
of a gram is $70,000. This means that one ounce of radium would cost
$1,960,000. The New York State Hospital at Buffalo recently bought
$300,000 worth of radium at that rate. Its records show that 800
persons have been cured of cancer since its use there. The invention
of radium emanation apparatus has helped the cause immensely.”

Ra226 at $75K/g and with market profiteers hording radium for medical
and research use, including their artificial rare-earth scarcity
charge of $1K/mg of medical dosage is a market value of $1B/kg,
compared to the nearly worthless element of platinum in bulk is only
good for $54K/kg. Besides various bulk volumes of rare metallicity,
there’s also a cache of He3 for fusion energy applications, and of
course extracting He3 along with water and oxygen as byproducts of
processing lunar basalt bedrock shouldn’t be exactly worthless, and
otherwise I can’t hardly imagine our moon or Venus without radium or
plutonium when they each seem to have indicated as having more than
their fair share of uranium and thorium.

He3 as derived from terrestrial resources is currently pegged as worth
$4M/kg, although that price could easily tank below $1M/kg or less if
it were simply obtained from natural gas that’s still wasting the vast
bulk of it along with venting helium.
We have consistently disregard and essentially vented all the He3 in
our natural gas, just like we’ve ignored most all the He4 from the
very get-go. At 5 cents/kwhr makes He3 worth $3B/tonne, and with good
automation for obtaining He3 from natural gas should have easily
driven that terrestrial value down below $1B/tonne, and exporting He3
from our moon shouldn’t be all that costly, as long as it’s not the
one and only extracted element. However, a low density asteroid/
planetoid like Cruithne of 1.3e14 kg and even a likely heavy
metallicity density YU55 should also be loaded with He3.

Radium that gives us radon gas is actually a decay byproduct or
secondary element of going after uranium and thorium, as well as
radium that’s contained in spent nuclear fuels (especially found in
MOX, and of course that element of plutonium as a metal being worth
$11M/kg isn’t exactly insignificant value). Of course terrestrial
hydrocarbon fuels have always had trace amounts of radioactive
elements including plutonium and radium, whereas essentially all of
that hydrocarbon laced with elements like plutonium and radium gets
tossed into the environment. (lucky us, and don’t even bother to ask
how much helium gets vented, because you’ll only get yourself
seriously upset or possibly concerned enough to actually do something
about it)

Of course going off-world for just one specific element as obtained
from our physically dark moon or from Venus would be downright silly
and spendy as hell, especially silly when so many other valuable
metallicity elements plus water, oxygen, hydrocarbons and He3 exist.

William Mook has been telling us for years, and keeps telling us why
and how to go about gathering or rounding up, mining and processing
asteroids. Right now with existing TBM applied technology there are
somewhat limited metallicity deposits (especially of rare earths)
within our planet, whereas going off-world seems kind of unlimited,
especially when considering what our moon and the extremely nearby
planet Venus should have to offer. Thereby investing a trillion to
capture a given asteroid and setting up those mostly robotic methods
of mining, processing and exporting is less than a drop of financial
investment in the otherwise overflowing buckets of investment returns,
and no doubt those smarter than us ETs would naturally have known
this. Of course we don’t have to bother with capturing the asteroid/
planetoid Selene that’s worth 7.35e22 kg of raw elements, because it’s
already parked in a relatively stable orbit, as well as ideal for
accommodating the LSE-CM/ISS (aka Lunar Space Elevator to/from its L1)
that I’ve mentioned only a few thousand times.

Even those relatively common terrestrial elements such as iron have
been causing absolutely horrific environmental trauma and terrain
carnage, not to mention the energy taken for the mining excavations,
heavy transport, processing and finished product distribution, plus
some metals having caused a few social/political tensions that tend to
get some of us killed. Therefore, obtaining such metallicity elements
from a passing asteroid that’s captured, or from that of our moon or
even from the extremely nearby planet Venus seems kind of obvious,
whereas each of those having their very own unlimited renewable energy
and no stinking Greenpeace or any other tree-hugging
environmentalists, biodiversity protectors nor complex regulatory
agencies to contend with, could make our wild west seems like a
preschool temper tantrum because of the wealth and subsequent hording
and greed that’ll likely happen unless private enterprise is allowed
to function without the usual social/political or faith-based
authority getting involved with protecting only the upper most .0001%
of us.

It’s kind of obviously why our DARPA, NASA nor any other public-funded
agency or contracted teams of our supposedly democratic republic are
not going to step-up and announce squat via mainstream media, or
otherwise bother to educate this generation nor even the next K12 and
higher educated republic about such off-world matters, and
unfortunately our President BHO is too preoccupied with his political
damage-control issues of excessive federal debt and local energy
shortages to be of any use, and his somewhat unproductive energy
wizard Steven Chu is also in damage-control mode, plus William Mook as
our resident fly-by-rocket and clean energy wizard of Oz doesn’t seem
to have the necessary resources to accomplish any of this alone. So,
as long as terrestrial geothermal, solar and wind derived energy are
not going to be allowed to flourish on any large scale competitive
basis, is what kind of leaves the rest of us stuck with either spendy
terrestrial alternatives or allowing off-world alternatives that may
seem like another wild west kind of gold-rush era because, no
government of Earth can say or enforce squat about individuals and
private investors going after off-world stuff, unless they have their
NWO and FEMA plans of shooting us citizens of Earth out of LEO or
otherwise keeping us away from exploiting our moon and the extremely
nearby planet Venus.

So what the hell are the rest of us village idiots still waiting for?

Brad Guth, Brad_Guth, Brad.Guth, BradGuth, BG / “Guth Usenet”
Brad Guth
2011-12-07 14:57:03 UTC
Off-World metallicity is simply offering us the next great future gold-
rush x 1000, as a highly profitable metallicity era providing darn
good employment plus extremely valuable resources that our planet as
is seems to be running out of affordable and much less environmentally
failsafe options, not to mention the past and ongoing environmental
plus genetic trauma that’s caused by existing methods (including human
genetic mutations, multiple cancers and premature deaths) that can be
directly linked to existing mining, hydrocarbon extractions, various
processing activities and their methods of forced cultivation and
product distributions for our use and consumption in order to sustain
the mainstream status quo.
Assuming our planet Earth isn’t going to implode on us, the moon isn’t
going to fall on us and that our current or future leaders are not
going to cause WW3, or that our terrestrial metallicity of common and
rare metals, minerals, hydrocarbons, fresh water and our global
biodiversity are never going to get depleted past the point of no
return, the only valid reason for going off-world is simply for the
greater fun, profits and less terrestrial trauma to our frail
environment that seems to be in great need of salvaging as is, not to
mention billions more of us humans on their way plus our escalating GW/
AGW factor that’s compromising virtually everything we know and
supposedly cherish about our overpopulated planet as is.
 Brad Guth, Brad_Guth, Brad.Guth, BradGuth, BG / “Guth Usenet”
In order to further explore the value/risk of obtaining this off-world
metallicity, perhaps we first need to better appreciate that our
physically dark moon represents a metallicity treasure trove, that
it’s extremely nearby, easily accessible and according to our NASA/
Apollo era its offering a perfectly harmless or passive location for
us to access, pillage and plunder. At least deliveries of home cooked
meals, pizza and beer can be accomplished within as little as 3 days
(2 days if we’re talking one-way disposable deliveries), and terrific
cell-phone service via an Earth-moon L1 transponder would only have a
2.6 second delay loop (1.3 sec each way). Mylar umbrellas of gold
reflective surface would give terrific shade from the direct sunlight,
and if need be other gold mylar reflectors or arrays of PV panels
could easily fend off the local secondary/recoil IR from the
surrounding surface that’s so physically dark but potentially worse
than too hot to touch without an “Ove Glove” while radiating 1220 w/
You need to distinguish between the Moon itself, and lunar basalts.
They are very different. The Moon is lower metallicity than the Earth,
even if some or most of its basalt contains more iron than typical
terrestrial basalt.
I agree, but only as a whole is it offering less density, whereas the
inverse density of its innards below that thick and fused paramagnetic
basalt crust of 3.5+ g/cm3 (average could easily be 3.75 g/cm3) is
going to offer that of a considerably lower or inverse interior
density, that could even be somewhat hollow or kinda porous (aka gas
filled or even conceivable as hosting pockets or layers of complex
hydrocarbons and mineral brines shouldn’t be unexpected).
You'll need to phrase the question better. What is "temperature" in
this context? Are you asking for the energy density on the lunar
surface of earthshine? I can't think of a reasonable way to discuss
the effects of earthshine using units of temperature.
Pick a spot, any good old spot on the nearside of our physically dark
moon that gets unobstructed access to full planetshine/earthshine, and
tell us what the added IR influx from full planetshine warms up that
physically dark and otherwise nighttime darkened moon of ours.

We already know that most of the farside nighttime (when receiving no
sunlight or planetshine) and especially deep within polar craters that
also do a good job of shading and/or preventing direct sun or
planetshine illumination, can represent a nighttime surface
temperature of 25 K or possibly less (more recent LROC data has a
polar nearside shaded crater basin pegged at 35 K). So, if given 25 K
as the natural surface nighttime minimum (without sunlight,
planetshine or any local secondary/recoil IR of any sort), then how
much warmer does full-planetshine bring up or boost the nearside
nighttime temperature?

“DIVINER, LRO's Lunar Radiometer Experiment, found a record-breaking
temperature of -248 degrees celsius (25 kelvin) in one location.
DIVINER also measured the temperature of the Moon during the recent
lunar eclipse on 15 June, finding an average decrease of 100 kelvin
across the surface as the Moon entered Earth's shadow.”

Of course Earth was still radiating its IR spectrum at 242 w/m2, so
perhaps the full value of planetshine differential is worth something
like 125 K, or full IR planetshine = 20.75 w/m2. Visually the bluish
earthshine/planetshine can be worth 50 times the illumination of what
full moonlight represents to us here on Earth, so even by night it’s
by no means too dark to see really good (especially in the violet to
bluish spectrum of 420~490 nm).

Along with an extra 10 m2 worth of reflective mylar mirror can easily
push that Earthshine/planetshine value up to 200+ watts plus 10 m2 of
short-wave PV derived energy from all of that bluish planetshine
should be worth near 1 kw. Now we’re looking at 1.2 kw with hardly
any significant applied technology or deployed mass, and of course by
day that available energy density goes way the hell up. An insulated
tank of hot water that’s purely solar heated by day plus even getting
a little planetshine IR heated by night would be a really good method
of storing surplus energy along with fully charged lithium batteries
that can also get buried in the bedrock and/or covered by some of that
highly reflective and nicely clumping moon dust, for safe keeping at a
relatively constant temperature according to our NASA/Apollo science.

As for the basalt metallicity, there’s actually lots of easily
accessible moon basalt on the surface of Earth, and for the most part
it’s quite different than the vast majority of terrestrial basalt
that’s of much lower density and hardly the least bit paramagnetic.
Moon basalt is also physically dark enough to qualify for the .07
albedo of our moon. Of course our spendy LROC still can not reconcile
our terrifically dark moon of such physically poor (.07) albedo and
those strong photographic contrast issues, with any of those Apollo
mission obtained images recorded on Kodak film, but that’s just
conditional physics or something totally weird happening, because not
even Kodak will authenticate what those NASA/Apollo images seem to
interpret as a rather unusually pastel grayish environment of hardly
any mineral/metallicity color, minimal contrast and never any frame of
film affected by X-rays, gamma or heat.

Terrestrial basalts are simply those of less density and less
“The basaltic bedrock of the oceanic crust is classified as. (1)
felsic, with a density of 2.7 g/cm3.”

Lunar basalt is typically much heavier as well as fused near carbonado
hard, at 3.5+ g/cm3 (quite possibly averaging 3.75 g/cm3 and
subsequently very paramagnetic). Terrestrial basalts are seldom worth
over 3.1 g/cm3 and much less paramagnetic. The surface of our
physically dark moon is also deposited with large amounts of iron,
titanium, thorium and even greater than Earth amounts or saturations
of uranium, whereas surface mascons that are substantial enough to
affect satellite orbits are suggesting where even greater
concentrations of heavy metallicity elements likely exist.

Only the lower mantel of Earth has 4.5 g/cm3 composites of mostly
silica with heavy paramagnetic elements, whereas the upper mantel
offers 3.3 g/cm3. Therefore moon surface bedrock basalts of 3.5+ g/
cm3 is a significant factor that’s offering greater metallicity that
somehow entirely alluded our NASA/Apollo era, just like they’d found
no sign of sodium.

The relatively small (500~700 km) and speculated as perhaps worth 1100
K of a solidified geothermal core (if it’s mostly iron) is likely
offset towards Earth from center by upwards of 25% (though why such
iron gets to sink while heavier elements floated and got solidified
into the surface basalt still isn’t understood). This relatively
small core could be quite nicely insulated by a near pumice low
density rock of mostly solidified silica that melts at 1600 K, as
perfectly capable of having stored great amounts of gas and
conceivably water in addition to hosting various metallicity elements
of sufficient value, and there’s no good reason to think our moon
doesn’t have a cache of hydrocarbons.

Using a somewhat smaller TBM or just vertical drilling a one meter
diameter geothermal pathway towards the core should give a terrific
Stirling cycle geothermal power source that’s rather enormous and
sustainable for at least a thousand years of pulling out a continuous
terawatt of energy, with no possible harm done. That’s only
extracting 8.7e6 twhr, however there should also be no shortage of
thorium to fuel local reactors that should be polar located so as to
having a continuous benefit of that extremely cool shade within deep
craters that’ll offer something like 40 K. Otherwise 100% plutonium
fueled reactors could be relatively compact and mobile to suit
powering those large TBMs.

Brad Guth, Brad_Guth, Brad.Guth, BradGuth, BG / “Guth Usenet”
Brad Guth
2011-12-16 19:44:42 UTC
You certainly don’t have to take my word for it, because for as long
as I can textbook and mainstream media remember about the planet
Venus, supposedly it’s too hot and nasty for life as we know it, and
apparently that includes being too hot and nasty even for the likes of
Einstein or anyone else that claims being physics and science smart.
However, perhaps we’re not half as smart as we think, because
something other than mother nature has beat us to the punch, so to
speak. And just because the closed mindset of our mainstream status-
quo keeps telling you and others what and how to think, is not
actually a social requirement to follow suit unless it has to do with
keeping your job and friends. Naturally, if you believe our
government has never intentionally obfuscated or having lied to us,
then that too is going to become problematic for those trying to
follow my version of this.

Of course my deductive interpretation isn’t the one and only, so when
I say there’s a complex airstrip or some kind of typically flat
airport like facility or substantial complex could be entirely wrong,
because why would anyone upon such a hot and nasty planet need any
stinking airstrip or landing facility when using composite rigid
airships within the 65 kg/m3 buoyancy and 90% gravity should be the
only way to fly.

However, in spite of what looks exactly like a community of large
structures and a perfectly rational kind of community infrastructure,
there are a few natural formations that should be worth our continued
interpretation, though naturally those in charge of all thing
qualified for mainstream publication will insist that everything about
the planet Venus is perfectly natural and entirely common place, so
there’s nothing ever the least bit unusual to look at.

For those of us that are observationology dysfunctionals, here’s
another not so little size perspective: At 275 m, the Cowboys
Stadium / Louisiana Superdome (plus part of its surrounding real
estate footprint) would fit within each cup of that enormous clover
shaped reservoir.
Loading Image...
We humans have also created our very own enormously artificial
reservoirs by having constructed large dams, although a somewhat
roundish natural formed reservoir like Crater Lake of 8500 meters
diameter is actually a substantial volcano pit which isn’t the least
bit artificial nor has it ever been interpreted as such from satellite
imaging as artificial, whereas some of those other terrestrial
reservoirs as viewed from orbit would tend to be interpreted as
somewhat if not entirely artificial because, nature and the usual
geology of land and erosion doesn’t usually place something hugely
geometric and/or so unusually symmetrical in mountainous terrain and
within the path of a river or as blocking a canyon/gorge, as well as
for anything bridging or spanning over an enormous canyon or gorge is
likely going to get deductively interpreted as having been
artificially created. But you really need to look for yourself and
deductively interpret before taking sides on this one.

Just for a game of amusing yourself and others being a good
investigative sport, this ongoing investigative effort is simply
intended to share and see if anyone else can manage to deductively
interpret anything the least bit unusual within the following image
that doesn’t quite look as though the natural laws of physics and
geology was entirely responsible. (try to remember that the original
image is that of a radar obtained composite of 36 confirming looks or
scans per pixel, obtained at a FOV down angle of 43 degrees, so its
interpretation can be nearly 3D worthy). If you’re stumped or
dumbfounded, then turn this observationology request over to a bunch
of 5th graders, as a class science project.

Besides perfectly natural reservoiring, what the hell (literally
scorching hot as hell) is that extremely large clover shaped reservoir
doing there? (I mean, it’s really big and kind of obvious, and then
what about that other somewhat smaller one that’s seemingly connected
and clearly containing something fluid, not to mention more than a few
other odd geometric considerations that look as though quite
artificial, almost as though some level of intelligence had created

It’s unlikely such a complex and active planet such as Venus wouldn’t
have its fair share of surface fluids, or at least geothermal boosted/
extruded muds or dense mineral and/or acidic brines to contend with,
as well as hydrocarbons shouldn’t be impossible once we reconsider
what the Saturn moon Titan has to work with.

Even as offering a conservative reservoir interpretation, it seems
rather enormous but otherwise kind of perfectly natural, including
that other somewhat conventional reservoir above it that’s containing
something fluid and seems connected. However, as far as anyone knows,
there’s not one other terrestrial example or that obtained from any
other planet or moon as offering anything nearly as geologically
mountainous terrain and erosion complex plus looking downright
impressive, so what the hell gives?

At this point of my observationology (11+ years of deductive image
interpreting), I’m still favoring that such a large clover shaped
reservoir represents a mostly natural though extremely large
formation, and just because something like this complex reservoir is
truly big doesn’t mean that it doesn’t exist, and just because the
exact same image resampling process was applied equally to each and
every other available pixel which didn’t manage to convert any of
those other surrounding raw pixels into artificial looking items,
doesn’t mean that the few items it did manage to interpret as
geometrical and as otherwise potentially created as intelligently
symmetrical, are not actually there to behold, because nature isn’t
very good at creating highly symmetrical and/or complex looking
geometries, and especially whenever a logical community like
infrastructure is involved.

Lava channels, Lo Shen Valles, Venus from Magellan Cycle 1
“Guth Venus”, at 10x resample/enlargement of the area in question:
Brad Guth / Blog and my Google document pages:
Brad Guth, Brad_Guth, Brad.Guth, BradGuth, BG / “Guth Usenet”
Brad Guth
2011-12-16 19:51:50 UTC
All solar system bodies have their core energy (including those sold
icy planetoids form the Oort cloud) that gradually depletes unless
sustained by some radioactive fission process, and/or maintained by
way of having a massive enough moon that’ll continually modulate the
entire planet.

The geothermal core heat of Mars is currently worth nearly zilch,
perhaps worth something like at most the successive square root of
1000 K per 1 km depth if going inward from its mostly cryogenic
surface. In other words, we could possibly pick up 47.56 K by going
in the first 10 km deep (31.6 K within the first km). Chances are
that it'll be somewhat cooler at its core, suggesting that we use the
successive square root of 1000 per 1.5 km, or even possibly per 2 km,
meaning that it’ll take a 2 km depth into Mars in order to pick up the
first 31.6 K). More than likely the core of Mars has cooled off to
something near or even below 2000 K (roughly twice as hot and several
times the mass as our lunar core).

Perhaps using the successive square root of 2000 per each 2 km depth
is still only picking up 44.7 K for the first 2 km depth, and that
amount to 62 K for the first 20 km, making its core worth something
like 1750 K.

The best available science indications as to the extra metallicity of
Venus is of course that of an actively fluid interior at just a few km
under its toasty surface basalt crust that’s already identified as
saturated with considerable uranium and thorium, meaning that the
ultimate mother-load of precious and common metallicity is going to be
the entire planet Venus. However, it seems only planets that are
Goldilocks approved are getting any attention, and who in their right
mind would knowingly send only our most dumbfounded and naked
Goldilocks to Venus, and otherwise what exactly would any Goldilocks
even know of or care about metallicity?

After all, most public educated K12s don’t even know what
“metallicity” means, and they certainly can not appreciate the values
of such elements, nor accomplish any independent investigative
research or much less deductively interpret anything for themselves
and others, especially with the usual gauntlet of intellectual
oligarch parrots like our mainstream od clowns and FUD-masters are
telling them whatever they can or can not interpret.

On the other Ove-Glove protected hand, that truly geothermal driven
plus unavoidably greenhouse hellish environmental unfriendliness of
Venus doesn’t mean we still can’t go there and proceed to take as much
metallicity as we like. No doubt the ‘Ove Glove’ is going to become
standard issue, as well as wearing a thermal barrier suit that’s
probably created by the same “made in China” Ove Glove product that’s
upgraded by having been outfitted with its own circulatory heat
exchanging, so that stepping outside to pee or poop isn’t going to get
lethal (just kidding). In other words, applied physics and reasonably
good technology is going to be required for this one, as well as most
every other off-world location we can think of (including our hellish
moon whereas our guys with all of their “right stuff” had no problems
nor even any operational indications for getting rid of their surplus
body heat). This is not to say that technological complications and
otherwise having to adapting to that hellish environment of Venus
isn’t going to take some extra special efforts whenever going outside
of their controlled habitats.

Of course we few independents always have the usual media gauntlet of
public funded naysay jokers and FUD-masters within these public Usenet/
newsgroups, as well as saturated within other public accessible forums
that also can’t hardly think for themselves, other than to mainstream
parrot and/or thinking of new and improved ways to discredit and/or
trashing and taking advantage of anyone that’s independently thinking
and at risk of making a difference for the greater good. This sort of
mainstream approved naysay coordinated opposition will typically
insist that any such off-world expeditions (no matters how nearby and/
or technically doable) are doomed to failure because our Earth is
supposed to be the one and only suitable planet for any form of
intelligent life. Usually these individuals are having to hide behind
bogus Ids and are kind of out of shape and/or disfigured folks as
somewhat unhealthy dysfunctionals or shut-ins that often have little
or nothing of their own accomplishments to contribute before dieing
off at a somewhat early age, so they usually parrot and invoke FUD
(Fear, Uncertainty and Doubt) as they indulge their living large way
along, taking full credit for their mainstream status quo, plus always
in denial of ever having done wrong, as well as they so often focus
upon destroying all others for sport is typically the best these
jokers can ever manage.

In spite of this persistent gauntlet of 99.9% mainstream disproval, it
seems off-world mining, processing and exporting refined rare elements
back to Earth is going to be much less problematic whenever you have
unlimited local energy, and it only gets way better yet when there are
none of the usual naysay to contend with. Of course we can all see
the corporate likes of BP and other Big Energy doing those really
stupid and risky sorts of stuff, because they have absolutely no
regard as to human life nor the environment, other than fastidiously
put to use within their carefully staged and orchestrated PR
campaigns, and for the usual pandering they provide to whatever
government regulatory agencies getting in their way or withholding
public loot, thereby insuring that in the end we consumers always get
to pay for everything. Of course our K12s have been systematically
educated or rather indoctrinated as to think otherwise, so that the
likes of BP and their puppet government can essentially get unlimited

Any such extremely distant exoplanet such as Kepler B22 that offers a
potentially Goldilocks hulk worthy Eden offering perhaps twice our
local gravity is quite naturally going to be interesting to ponder,
although at 600 light years distance is kind of putting that large and
supposedly water-world in a kind of no-win situation as far as
anything we might seriously consider as a second Earth or Eden worthy
of human hulks or perhaps exoskeletal types that have evolved with at
least half again the bone or outer shell mass in order to deal with
such gravity, not to mention that it’s atmosphere could easily be
worth 100 kg/m3 buoyancy plus 125 bar(1813 psi) is going to make most
of our educated folks cringe (not that such pressure and buoyancy
can’t be physiologically adapted to).

"Habitability in a wider sense is not necessarily restricted to water
as a solvent or to a planet circling a star," the paper said. "For
example, the hydrocarbon lakes on Titan could host a different form of

"Orphan planets wandering free of any central star could likewise
conceivably feature conditions suitable for some form of life,"

From spent solar systems, such inner-galactic items as wandering/rogue
planets, planetoids and/or moons could easily amount to 5e12, so
there’s really no shortage of those to pick from, and if the innards
of Earth isn’t quite what we’d thought it was made of, then perhaps
Venus and our moon are each going to be full of surprises too.

In other words, in addition to conventional solar system planets and
planetoids to pick from, we should not be so quick as to excluding
those of WDs as having been set free. When a main sequence star goes
kaput, its planets are gradually released as mostly intact unless the
final demise of their star was a sudden nova or mostly certainly when
terminated by a supernova event. Fortunately, most stars just manage
to sequence out gradually, letting go of their planets because their
orbital velocity didn’t slow down enough to stick with their spent
star as having lost any significant portion of its original mass.
This means there are probably a whole lot more wandering/rogue planets
along with their moons and significant planetoids plus bulky asteroids
by now than there are stars, and especially as possible accounting if
we’re merely including everything of an icy Sedna planetoid and larger
class item that’s no longer tidal bound to its original star. The
spendy and much delayed JWST should be capable of spotting some of
those passing nearby, although the vast majority (at least 99.9999%)
of wandering/rogue icy planets, planetoids and asteroids within our
galaxy are going to forever remain as invisible to us, because the
galactic volume and distances are simply so great.

Of course any newish acting planet like Venus or perhaps even those
geologically active moons of any substantial gas giant will likely be
surviving and accommodating their versions of metallicity plus complex
and even intelligent other life without any local sun. This
interpretation of course increases the odds of such other wandering/
rogue planets as sustaining complex and conceivably intelligent other
life, as being considerably better than most faith-based and
politically correct mainstreamers would likely care to admit.
How long can something function on Venus?
If it's electromechanically rated for full capacity loads at 811K, it
should run until something not heat related fails or wears out.
Good Luck with that! Sounds expensive.
Yes indeed, whereas diamond ICs or even cold-cathode vacuum tubes are
going to be relatively spendy, as well as most other electromechanical
devices will not be cheap, not to mention our having to create their
spendy composite rigid airship (initially telerobotic) could easily
cost us a billion (not including the cost of getting it there). The
relatively cool Venus outpost/gateway or oasis at Venus L2 is also
going to be spendy, at perhaps costing at least 250 billion once
everything is accounted for accommodating a dozen or more humans
that'll have to remain deployed for each 19 month cycle, although
getting monthly supplies deployed to Venus L2 shouldn’t be interrupted
for near half of each cycle.

A fully manned composite rigid airship might cost as little as 2.5
billion (plus its delivery), and a suitable shuttle for getting folks
to/from Venus L2 and their composite rigid airship most certainly
isn’t going to be cheap. So perhaps investing a trillion dollars
should be planned on behalf of this conquest that’ll likely take a
good decade in order to accomplish. Though nowadays we seem intent
upon casually spending more than twice that much per year on false
flag and/or bogus wars that are really about controlling and/or
dominating our terrestrial hydrocarbons and metallicity, so there
really isn’t any shortage of public and private loot, now is there.

Digital imaging (even if using a diamond CCD imager) would likely
require active thermal management, although that's certainly not
unknown by physics or even insurmountable by existing thermal
management technology that actively cools imagers as is. However, 1
meter or better SAR imaging resolution is certainly within spec of
existing radar imaging technology that doesn’t involve optics or much
less care if it’s day or night, cloudy or not.


Unlike the mainstream closed mindset of our current K12s and higher
educated folks that usually claim to always be politically and faith-
based correct, plus knowing absolutely everything there is to know and
having to explicitly believe in absolutely everything our government
and their agencies ever have to say, whereas I've never once suggested
accomplishing a hellish planet like Venus was ever going to be cheap
nor easy, however the metallicity payback is going to be a thousand
fold worth the investment (same goes for our moon). The rest of this
topic will naturally continue to include references to those extremely
unusual looking items as though representing structures and their
potential infrastructure of what either once existed or should still
exist as representing some other form of imported or indigenous
intelligent life. So don’t blame little old me if those patterns of
pixels keep looking as somewhat artificial and rational, as though
having been established by whatever intelligence managed to put
together in spite of that environment being so freaking hot.

Brad Guth, Brad_Guth, Brad.Guth, BradGuth, BG / “Guth Usenet”
Brad Guth
2011-12-17 12:07:13 UTC
Off-World metallicity is simply offering us the next great future gold-
rush x 1000, as a highly profitable metallicity prosperity era
providing darn good employment plus extremely valuable resources that
our planet as is seems to be running out of affordable and much less
environmentally failsafe options, not to mention the past and ongoing
environmental plus genetic trauma that’s caused by existing methods
(including human genetic mutations, multiple cancers and premature
deaths) that can be directly linked to existing mining, hydrocarbon
extractions, various processing activities and their methods of forced
cultivation and product distributions for our use and consumption in
order to sustain the mainstream status quo.

Assuming our planet Earth isn’t going to implode on us, the moon isn’t
going to fall on us and that our current or future leaders are not
going to cause WW3 or any other wars to happen, or that our
terrestrial metallicity cache of common and rare metals, minerals,
hydrocarbons, fresh water and our vast global biodiversity are never
going to get depleted past the point of no return, the only valid
reason for going off-world is simply for the greater fun, profits and
affording less terrestrial trauma to our frail environment that seems
to be in great need of salvaging as is, not to mention that our planet
has to accommodate billions more of us humans on their way plus coping
with our escalating GW/AGW factor that’s compromising virtually
everything we know and supposedly cherish about our overpopulated
planet as is.

Therefore, going off-world shouldn’t be such a bad thing, especially
when our trusty moon and the extremely nearby planet Venus are each so
locally accessible, and even our NASA/Apollo era proved how passive
and oddly inert our moon was to safely land upon and spend time
without any fears of excessive radiation, thermal shock or other
physical risk. In other words, compared to the use of modern-day
stuff, the fairly primitive applied technology for those fly-by-rocket
landers plus safely accommodating humans and Kodak film was more than
good enough, even though that naked moon offered no magnetosphere as
defending against those fast arriving protons, neutrons, electrons as
well as X-rays and gamma were each non-issues, plus oddly the surface
of our moon wasn’t even the least bit physically dark nor anticathode
worthy (almost as though they’d unknowingly landed upon an isolated
guano island).

Unlike the colorblind NASA/Apollo era, it seems amateurs photographing
our physically dark moon via narrow bandpass optical filters is what
allows the those otherwise faint or subdued colors/hues of the various
metallicity elements to be recorded with sufficient saturation. This
method is actually not false color or much less artificially assigned
colors, because all of those mineral colors are exactly true to their
visual and secondary/recoil hues of their natural visual spectrum plus
UV illuminated elements.

Of course nowadays with thermally stabilized CCD imagers having at
east 4 db or sixteen fold better dynamic range than film, plus added
spectrum sensitivity well above and below the human visual spectrum
(not to mention portable gamma spectrometry offering near 10 db better
resolution), is where prospecting for valuable minerals or metallicity
elements is going to be relatively easy, not that vast surface areas
are not well enough metallicity saturated as is. Of course our NASA
hasn’t been any too keen on telling us what valuable elements are
there to take, just like their not mentioning what the planet Venus
has to offer seems to be another taboo/nondisclosure policy.

Brad Guth, Brad_Guth, Brad.Guth, BradGuth, BG / “Guth Usenet”
Brad Guth
2011-12-17 12:46:07 UTC
Off-World metallicity is simply offering us the next great future gold-
rush x 1000, as a highly profitable metallicity prosperity era
providing darn good employment plus extremely valuable resources that
our planet as is seems to be running out of affordable and much less
environmentally failsafe options, not to mention the past and ongoing
environmental plus genetic trauma that’s caused by existing methods
(including human genetic mutations, multiple cancers and premature
deaths) that can be directly linked to existing mining, hydrocarbon
extractions, various processing activities and their methods of forced
cultivation and product distributions for our use and consumption in
order to sustain the mainstream status quo.
Assuming our planet Earth isn’t going to implode on us, the moon isn’t
going to fall on us and that our current or future leaders are not
going to cause WW3 or any other wars to happen, or that our
terrestrial metallicity cache of common and rare metals, minerals,
hydrocarbons, fresh water and our vast global biodiversity are never
going to get depleted past the point of no return, the only valid
reason for going off-world is simply for the greater fun, profits and
affording less terrestrial trauma to our frail environment that seems
to be in great need of salvaging as is, not to mention that our planet
has to accommodate billions more of us humans on their way plus coping
with our escalating GW/AGW factor that’s compromising virtually
everything we know and supposedly cherish about our overpopulated
planet as is.
Therefore, going off-world shouldn’t be such a bad thing, especially
when our trusty moon and the extremely nearby planet Venus are each so
locally accessible, and even our NASA/Apollo era proved how passive
and oddly inert our moon was to safely land upon and spend time
without any fears of excessive radiation, thermal shock or other
physical risk.  In other words, compared to the use of modern-day
stuff, the fairly primitive applied technology for those fly-by-rocket
landers plus safely accommodating humans and Kodak film was more than
good enough, even though that naked moon offered no magnetosphere as
defending against those fast arriving protons, neutrons, electrons as
well as X-rays and gamma were each non-issues, plus oddly the surface
of our moon wasn’t even the least bit physically dark nor anticathode
worthy (almost as though they’d unknowingly landed upon an isolated
guano island).
Unlike the colorblind NASA/Apollo era, it seems amateurs photographing
our physically dark moon via narrow bandpass optical filters is what
allows the those otherwise faint or subdued colors/hues of the various
metallicity elements to be recorded with sufficient saturation.  This
method is actually not false color or much less artificially assigned
colors, because all of those mineral colors are exactly true to their
visual and secondary/recoil hues of their natural visual spectrum plus
UV illuminated elements.
Of course nowadays with thermally stabilized CCD imagers having at
east 4 db or sixteen fold better dynamic range than film, plus added
spectrum sensitivity well above and below the human visual spectrum
(not to mention portable gamma spectrometry offering near 10 db better
resolution), is where prospecting for valuable minerals or metallicity
elements is going to be relatively easy, not that vast surface areas
are not well enough metallicity saturated as is.  Of course our NASA
hasn’t been any too keen on telling us what valuable elements are
there to take, just like their not mentioning what the planet Venus
has to offer seems to be another taboo/nondisclosure policy.
 Brad Guth, Brad_Guth, Brad.Guth, BradGuth, BG / “Guth Usenet”
Going after off-world metallicity is actually a very good thing, not
that digging up and/or excavating through another fraction of a
percent of our Eden, plus extensive recycling shouldn’t get us by (in
between all the usual environmental compromises, consequences,
international and racial/ethnicity conflicts that usually involve
faith-based policy, and wars often related to terrestrial metallicity
and hydrocarbons derived from the existence of such elements). Thus
far we’ve processed through and/or having excavated and sucked dry
roughly .000001% of our planet as is, and ten billionths of our planet
is only worth 60 trillion tonnes. However, adding in what we’ve
intentionally and accidentally cleared and/or having cultivated to
death is perhaps worth an all-inclusive 6 quadrillion tonnes (.0001%),
so perhaps we’ve still got a really long ways to go before ever
reaching that dreaded point of no return, of our having to
meticulously sift through 0.1% of Earth in order to squeeze out the
last drops or m3 of hydrocarbons plus extracting those valuable
metallicity elements, that which might not even be possible without
our going below our relatively thin crust, is another good thousand
years of considerable disparity and wars upon wars away.

Perhaps this is why the ruling oligarchs and Rothschilds of our planet
could care less about funding or allowing any such investments on
behalf of off-world expeditions or advancing applied technology
towards those sorts of goals, because we still have sufficient
terrestrial resources to exploit as is.

In addition to the bedrock and innards of whatever our moon has to
offer, CME sputtering is essentially the solar wind enhancing the
surface metallicity, by further enrichment of our moon. However,
those ionized sodium and potassium elements as having sublimed from
within the moon, as solar heated and electrostatic suspended within
the tenuous lunar atmosphere is naturally what those CMEs and regular
solar winds can most easily excavate and abscond with.

The sodium metallicity cloud and its comet like tail of lunar derived
sodium doesn’t fully disperse below 5 Na/cm3 until having been blown
nearly 900,000 km, whereas above the atmospheric scale height of 120 ±
42 kilometers is still the tremendous volume and considerable mass of
Na that has to be sustained and/or replenished within this surrounding
plus trailing cloud, is hardly representing an insignificant loss of
this Na.

“Spectra of the region just above the bright limb of the Moon show
weak emission features that are attributed to resonant scattering of
sunlight from sodium and potassium vapor in the lunar atmosphere. The
maximum omnidirectional emission flux above the bright limb is 3.8 ±
0.4 kilorayleighs for sodium and 1.8 ± 0.4 kiloray-leighs for
potassium. The zenith column densities above the subsolar point are
estimated to be 8 ± 3 x 108 atoms cm-2 for sodium 1.4 ± 0.3 x 108
atoms cm-2 for potassium. Corresponding surface densities are 67 ± 12
atoms cm-3 and 15 ± 3 atoms cm-3, respectively. The scale height for
the sodium atmosphere is 120 ± 42 kilometers, and for potassium 90 ±
20 kilometers, which implies that the effective temperature of the
sodium and potassium is close to the lunar surface temperature. The
sodium density at the south polar region was found to be similar to
that at the subsolar point, indicating wide-spread distribution of
sodium vapor over the lunar surface. The ratio of the density of
sodium to the density of potassium is (6 ± 3) to 1, which is close to
the sodium to potassium ratio in the lunar surface, suggesting that
the atmosphere originates from the vaporization of surface minerals.”

Actually gold should always be a highly stable lunar element that’s
still going to remain as a very nifty metal that's in high demand
because it’s still extremely good for all sorts of stuff, besides just
always looking good it’ll also be kind of hard to replace with other
alloys that are any easier or less spendy to come by. By rights our
physically dark moon should be saturated with gold deposits and
otherwise hosting many other valuable metallicity elements, because
any good color image of the physically dark lunar surface proves that
such a terrific assortment of metals do exist, as well as the sodium
atmosphere is another dead give away that our moon has been giving off
loads of that metallicity element for quite some time.

Perhaps the next time we actually walk upon that physically dark and
metallicity saturated moon of ours (no technological sweat according
to our NASA and DARPA Apollo wizards), that's unavoidably paramagnetic
basalt and highly anticathode worthy, we should establish some actual
interactive science instruments that'll provide real-time objective
science data on demand. There's always a first time for everything,
so why not accomplish our moon and set up camp, at least using TBMs
for going deep inside where it's going to be perfectly safe and
consistently cozy?

We could deploy a lunar qualified version of R2D2 as our LR2D2
telerobotic android geologist scout, having a few mechanical
prospecting tools and science including gamma spectrometry and of
course multiple 100X zoom optical and 16.8e6 pixel imagers that’ll
cover 350 to 1050 nm plus having at least 8 narrow spectrum bandpass
filters or spectrum enhanced saturation channels plus a visual
bandpass limited spectrum filter to work with. Obviously this LR2D2
could be fairly substantial in its volume and mass, powered by a load
of HTP plus solar and a small plutonium powered generator, because
according to our Apollo era is that its dusty surface isn’t very deep
and traction is never a problem with such terrific clumping and
surface tension to work with, and those controlled soft landings
haven’t been an insurmountable problem for roughly five decades.

However, if the NWO or OWG is going to become simply a new and
improved force of evil upon evil, whereas only the bully oligarchs and
Rothschilds as mutually competitive robber barons get to decide most
everything, then it's not going to become such a good thing, much less
fair and balanced for the other 99.9999% of us that’ll always get to
work hard in order to keep paying for everything. Perhaps that’s the
most important message in those Georgia Guide Stones, telling us that
a maximum of 500 million get to remain and dominate this planet
because that’s all this spent planet can possibly accommodate as a
fully unified world population without involving social, political and
faith-based insurmountable issues or environmental consequences from
excessive human population.

I’m always into rethinking, of what little social/political corruption
is left for grabs is kind of the remainders of cookie crumbs within
our mostly public funded cookie jar, because all of those really good
cookies of unpunishable crimes of greed and corruption at the upper
most social/political and faith-based level have already been taken
and consumed by those truly in charge of whomever we elect or appoint,
and clearly some of the most mainstream religion(s) can’t be trusted
to police its own kind. Without some kind of revised future that’ll
have to include off-world resources or else a substantial reduction in
global population, that’s kind of like our terrestrial God being
forever lost, up that fast moving creek without a prayer, and the
longer we wait the greater risk of losing what little we have becomes
a reality.

Perhaps it's past due that we the evil villagers with each of our fist
full of burning sticks should take charge, and if need be storm and
burn down the castles of those evil robber barons oppressing and
misguiding us, because with applied physics and existing technology
this planet of ours can accommodate billions more without our having
to go off-world in seeking greater riches and/or in further pursuit of
even the basics that’ll be required for sustaining life as we know
it. Of course the already rich and powerful could care less, because
they honestly think they’ve got it made no matters what local or
global consequences take place. So, it's kind of the new evil of us
village idiots going up against the old established evil, and may the
best bad guys win. Of course it’s only the most evil victors that
ever get to interpret and publish their version of history, so that
whatever mistakes or do-overs at public expense can be forgotten and/
or continually blamed on those other evil bad guys. Clearly, it seems
only us few good guys are the losers because we didn’t get to cheat
and obfuscate our way to the top.

Brad Guth, Brad_Guth, Brad.Guth, BradGuth, BG / “Guth Usenet”
Brad Guth
2011-12-17 13:50:41 UTC
Off-World metallicity is simply offering us the next great future gold-
rush x 1000, as a highly profitable metallicity prosperity era
providing darn good employment plus extremely valuable resources that
our planet as is seems to be running out of affordable and much less
environmentally failsafe options, not to mention the past and ongoing
environmental plus genetic trauma that’s caused by existing methods
(including human genetic mutations, multiple cancers and premature
deaths) that can be directly linked to existing mining, hydrocarbon
extractions, various processing activities and their methods of forced
cultivation and product distributions for our use and consumption in
order to sustain the mainstream status quo.
Assuming our planet Earth isn’t going to implode on us, the moon isn’t
going to fall on us and that our current or future leaders are not
going to cause WW3 or any other wars to happen, or that our
terrestrial metallicity cache of common and rare metals, minerals,
hydrocarbons, fresh water and our vast global biodiversity are never
going to get depleted past the point of no return, the only valid
reason for going off-world is simply for the greater fun, profits and
affording less terrestrial trauma to our frail environment that seems
to be in great need of salvaging as is, not to mention that our planet
has to accommodate billions more of us humans on their way plus coping
with our escalating GW/AGW factor that’s compromising virtually
everything we know and supposedly cherish about our overpopulated
planet as is.
Therefore, going off-world shouldn’t be such a bad thing, especially
when our trusty moon and the extremely nearby planet Venus are each so
locally accessible, and even our NASA/Apollo era proved how passive
and oddly inert our moon was to safely land upon and spend time
without any fears of excessive radiation, thermal shock or other
physical risk.  In other words, compared to the use of modern-day
stuff, the fairly primitive applied technology for those fly-by-rocket
landers plus safely accommodating humans and Kodak film was more than
good enough, even though that naked moon offered no magnetosphere as
defending against those fast arriving protons, neutrons, electrons as
well as X-rays and gamma were each non-issues, plus oddly the surface
of our moon wasn’t even the least bit physically dark nor anticathode
worthy (almost as though they’d unknowingly landed upon an isolated
guano island).
Unlike the colorblind NASA/Apollo era, it seems amateurs photographing
our physically dark moon via narrow bandpass optical filters is what
allows the those otherwise faint or subdued colors/hues of the various
metallicity elements to be recorded with sufficient saturation.  This
method is actually not false color or much less artificially assigned
colors, because all of those mineral colors are exactly true to their
visual and secondary/recoil hues of their natural visual spectrum plus
UV illuminated elements.
Of course nowadays with thermally stabilized CCD imagers having at
east 4 db or sixteen fold better dynamic range than film, plus added
spectrum sensitivity well above and below the human visual spectrum
(not to mention portable gamma spectrometry offering near 10 db better
resolution), is where prospecting for valuable minerals or metallicity
elements is going to be relatively easy, not that vast surface areas
are not well enough metallicity saturated as is.  Of course our NASA
hasn’t been any too keen on telling us what valuable elements are
there to take, just like their not mentioning what the planet Venus
has to offer seems to be another taboo/nondisclosure policy.
 Brad Guth, Brad_Guth, Brad.Guth, BradGuth, BG / “Guth Usenet”
It seems our K12s are still being snookered and dumbfounded past the
point of no return, because they still don’t seem to realize what our
physically dark moon has to offer.

“Most meteorites are ordinary chondrites, and ordinary chondrites
have a density half as much. Most ordinary chondrites are in the range
3.0 to 3.7 g/cm3, which is denser than most terrestrial rocks. For
example, limestone (2.6 g/cm3 or less), quartzite (2.7 g/cm3), and
granite (2.7-2.8 g/cm3) are all common low-density rocks. Some
meteorites have low densities (<3.0 g/cm3), but such meteorites are
rare among meteorites.”

However, if we are to buy into the notion of planetoids like our moon
being formed by an enormous ejection of molten Earth getting tossed
into LEO, and before cooling gathering into an enormous sphere,
whereas we’d be talking of just an hour for the bulk launch of that
mass transfer from Earth to its initial LEO, of such molten material
to happen and reform into a considerable sphere before its surface
solidified, might as likely involve the relatively hollow creation of
a solidified geode like sphere that should continually gas from deep
within its still molten interior, creating a somewhat inflated hollow
geode that allows the vast bulk of its heavy metallicity elements as
being saturated within its thick crust. Of course this will become a
very good thing once the mostly telerobotic TBMs are deep into mining
under the surface, whereas eventually they’ll encounter lower density
or even porous rock before encountering any geode pockets as hollow
crystal lined cavities. Of course, seismic 3D sonar imaging of our
moon could have been accomplished in great detail as of decades ago.

In addition to our extracting perhaps 0.0001% of the moon (7.35e16 kg)
as valuable metallicity, carbondo and rare elements such as He3, it
seems slowing our moon’s rotation from 27.3 days to 365.24 days is
obviously going to become another one of those complex requirements
for getting it relocated to the Earth L1 where it’ll start doing us
the most good by slightly shading Earth from our less than ideal sun.

Those metallicity colors are not actually hidden from view, although
ignored and/or obfuscated by our colorblind NASA and their contracted
teams of supposed wizards that don’t seem to be interested in sharing
what our public-funded science has paid them for. Instead they seem to
be holding out on us, by utilizing this science as leverage for their
own job security, and clearly that’s called extortion, and it’s kind
of punishable as an act of treason because their actions tend to
affect all of us in a very negative way.

On Dec 11, 10:15 am, Chris L Peterson <***@alumni.caltech.edu> wrote:
“I can't think of anything that would show more color if we were
closer than we can see through a telescope (except for the obvious
case where the color structure is finer than the resolution of the
telescope. Did you have some particular class of object in mind here?”

“except for the obvious case where the color structure is finer than
the resolution of the telescope”

Gee whiz, perhaps this kind of visual interpretation applies to our
physically dark moon that’s actually quite metallicity saturated and
rather easily digital color image recorded as such. Of course using
narrow color bandpass filters does this color rendition of our moon
even better.

From the distance of Mars, to the naked eye Earth looks like a rather
pastel bluish dot, whereas that bluish hue has nothing to do with the
metallicity of Earth, as with offering no suggestion of any darker
substances or much other than offering its extremely pail blue color.
The only reason why our moon looks white or pastel light gray is
because it has no significant atmosphere and is otherwise a mostly
physically dark surface of all that metallicity saturated and
paramagnetic basalt plus solar wind darkened material that's kept near
dark as coal, is what reflects pretty much all the colors as a
composite of near white. If we could see IR is where that physically
dark moon would be rather extremely vibrant (perhaps too vibrant to
look directly at without sunglasses).

Asking ourselves; what sort of color(s) other than a visual spectrum
of mostly white should a nearly dark as coal surface reflect?

Brad Guth, Brad_Guth, Brad.Guth, BradGuth, BG / “Guth Usenet”
Brad Guth
2011-12-17 14:19:38 UTC
Off-World metallicity is simply offering us the next great future gold-
rush x 1000, as a highly profitable metallicity prosperity era
providing darn good employment plus extremely valuable resources that
our planet as is seems to be running out of affordable and much less
environmentally failsafe options, not to mention the past and ongoing
environmental plus genetic trauma that’s caused by existing methods
(including human genetic mutations, multiple cancers and premature
deaths) that can be directly linked to existing mining, hydrocarbon
extractions, various processing activities and their methods of forced
cultivation and product distributions for our use and consumption in
order to sustain the mainstream status quo.
Assuming our planet Earth isn’t going to implode on us, the moon isn’t
going to fall on us and that our current or future leaders are not
going to cause WW3 or any other wars to happen, or that our
terrestrial metallicity cache of common and rare metals, minerals,
hydrocarbons, fresh water and our vast global biodiversity are never
going to get depleted past the point of no return, the only valid
reason for going off-world is simply for the greater fun, profits and
affording less terrestrial trauma to our frail environment that seems
to be in great need of salvaging as is, not to mention that our planet
has to accommodate billions more of us humans on their way plus coping
with our escalating GW/AGW factor that’s compromising virtually
everything we know and supposedly cherish about our overpopulated
planet as is.
Therefore, going off-world shouldn’t be such a bad thing, especially
when our trusty moon and the extremely nearby planet Venus are each so
locally accessible, and even our NASA/Apollo era proved how passive
and oddly inert our moon was to safely land upon and spend time
without any fears of excessive radiation, thermal shock or other
physical risk.  In other words, compared to the use of modern-day
stuff, the fairly primitive applied technology for those fly-by-rocket
landers plus safely accommodating humans and Kodak film was more than
good enough, even though that naked moon offered no magnetosphere as
defending against those fast arriving protons, neutrons, electrons as
well as X-rays and gamma were each non-issues, plus oddly the surface
of our moon wasn’t even the least bit physically dark nor anticathode
worthy (almost as though they’d unknowingly landed upon an isolated
guano island).
Unlike the colorblind NASA/Apollo era, it seems amateurs photographing
our physically dark moon via narrow bandpass optical filters is what
allows the those otherwise faint or subdued colors/hues of the various
metallicity elements to be recorded with sufficient saturation.  This
method is actually not false color or much less artificially assigned
colors, because all of those mineral colors are exactly true to their
visual and secondary/recoil hues of their natural visual spectrum plus
UV illuminated elements.
Of course nowadays with thermally stabilized CCD imagers having at
east 4 db or sixteen fold better dynamic range than film, plus added
spectrum sensitivity well above and below the human visual spectrum
(not to mention portable gamma spectrometry offering near 10 db better
resolution), is where prospecting for valuable minerals or metallicity
elements is going to be relatively easy, not that vast surface areas
are not well enough metallicity saturated as is.  Of course our NASA
hasn’t been any too keen on telling us what valuable elements are
there to take, just like their not mentioning what the planet Venus
has to offer seems to be another taboo/nondisclosure policy.
 Brad Guth, Brad_Guth, Brad.Guth, BradGuth, BG / “Guth Usenet”
Surface exposed metallicity always has unavoidable color/hue issues
that even the most politically and faith-based conditional physics
that’s apparently genetically colorblind, can’t forever hide from the
rest of us normal humans, and it’s especially exposed to us by the
naked environment of our physically dark moon (best detected from
orbit since nothing of our Apollo era color seemed to work). So,
perhaps the next great thing will have to be getting our basic
awareness of metallicity up to snuff.

Of course gamma spectrometry also detects surface as well as deeper
bedrock saturations of its metallicity, and we’ve had that capability
as of during and ever since our Apollo era. With terrific
improvements in our gamma spectrometry resolution and sensitivity,
there’s really no excuse that I can think of, as to why we haven’t
better quantified and having published those public-funded metallicity
results of our physically dark moon, for all to see.

A natural but obviously color/hue saturation enhanced image (meaning
not actually faked or artificially colorized, but just allowing all
those natural metallicity colors equally boosted) of our physically
dark moon, thereby showing us what sort of minerals or raw metallicity
elements exist upon that physically dark and mostly basalt surface.
Of course, even as of our early NASA/Apollo era utilizing Kodak color
film could have easily accomplished this extra color saturation with
at least ten fold better resolution, obtained as each and every
mission passed gradually through the earth-moon L1 (roughly 60,000 km
above the surface), though of course that sort of terrific science
photo-op never seemed to happen.

Or perhaps this next one could have been obtained from most any
Apollo orbit at 100 km and offering at least 100 fold better
resolution, which again should have been easily accomplished by
pushing color saturation and developing their 100 ASA/ISO film as 25

Instead of K12s and others learning about the various metallicity
elements of our physically dark and naked moon, that should have
offered loads of physically dark color naturals as well as unavoidably
recording those UV reactive bluish, purple and somewhat violet colors,
we keep getting this extremely pastel kind of near monochromatic
grayish terrain that offers a rather terrific albedo that even their
very own LRO mission still can’t seem to reconcile.

Apparently our physically dark moon is the one and only off-world
location that gets to have a remarkably brighter albedo rating (even
along with using a first rate polarized optical element), as well as
physically becomes a whole lot smoother eroded and somehow loses its
color/hue saturations as well as UV reactive secondary fluorescent
colors of whatever metallicity/minerals as the closer you get to it,
so our moon and everything of those six perfection Apollo missions
must have been almost entirely visual spectrum color-blinded plus
otherwise UV inert, because after 5 previous tries it seems they plus
every possible talent and expertise of Kodak and Zeiss still couldn’t
seem to get it right.

Of course this next one of the NASA/Apollo monochromatic moon is
totally bogus, though it clearly demonstrates how such photographics
can be faked and sold off as the real thing, even though it was
technically impossible for Earth to be that low to the horizon and
otherwise depicting such a lander with hardly any full-shade contrast
issues that should have been technically impossible.

And we still have this infamous “Doble11” image that was initially
created by NASA, officially hyped and sold as an autographed certified
image which further proves the existing Kodak and fellow FUD-master
expertise of that era was virtually undetectable as being faked. In
other words, absolutely anything could be added or subtracted without
the least bit of forensic discovery risk or science compromise.

Apparently our NASA wants all of us to dial down the color saturation
on our computers and HDTV sets, so as to see and only interpret
everything in a monochromatic form of colorless gray-tone images,
perhaps so that we don’t have to bother wondering about what sort of
materials or raw elements are being imaged, nor taking into account
the light source spectrum that tends to offer those pesky secondary/
recoil colors in addition to its UV and IR components.

I’m certainly not the only diehard critic that still has photographic
interpretation related issues with our “Apollo image anomalies” and
their still secretive/nondisclosure mission related technology that
others can’t seem to replicate to save their soul, although I seem to
be unique in pointing out their unusually bright albedo and those
extremely low contrast issues (with obvious FOV reference items to
objectively calibrate by), along with the rather smooth/rounded-off
terrain of our naked moon having such total absence of metallicity/
mineral colors, plus the exclusion of all UV secondary/recoil
fluorescent hues. Also, apparently God turned off the cosmic gamma,
as well as having nullified cosmic and solar X-rays in addition to
having nullified all local radioactive metallicity factors for each
and every one of those Apollo missions, so that their Kodak film was
never at risk (eliminating anticathode physics is actually a rather
nifty trick, not hat a little gamma and X-ray dosage can be survived
as long as their exposure time was limited). Remember that upon our
naked and highly electrostatic charged moon that’s also nicely
paramagnetic due to the greater metallicity in its basalt, there is
essentially no local radiation attenuation or magical exclusion from
local radioactive elements or from the very same cosmic and solar
gauntlet that our magnetosphere and Van Allen belts get to deal with,
plus gathering extra dosage because of whatever the electrostatic
charge and gravity manages to hold onto, isn’t exactly helping.

By not having interactive science instruments on the moon is a primary
reason why we still can’t seem to objectively figure out how it was
accomplished and to what extent that environment can be survived by
private individuals going after those local elements (including its
considerable uranium and thorium deposits). So it’s quite obvious and
perfectly clear that our public-funded DARPA, NASA and pretty much
everything the least bit Apollo era related isn’t going to lift a
public-funded finger as to further researching and/or exploiting the
terrific metallicity of our moon, nor much less that of the extremely
nearby planet Venus.

If you happen to have a typically mainstream closed mindset (as per
requirement of that nondisclosure policy you’ve contracted yourself
to), then don't even bother yourself to constructively look at Venus
unless you do not mind discovering what your government and their
insider army of public-funded peers, contractors and FUD-masters
hasn’t been willing to tell us about our paramagnetic moon and
otherwise about such a nearby planet of terrific potential that’s so
geothermally active and metallicity worthy.

Lava channels, Lo Shen Valles, Venus from Magellan Cycle 1
“Guth Venus”, at 10x resample/enlargement of the area in question:
Brad Guth / Blog and my Google document pages:
Brad Guth, Brad_Guth, Brad.Guth, BradGuth, BG / “Guth Usenet”
Brad Guth
2011-12-22 21:22:10 UTC
Off-World metallicity is simply offering us the next great future gold-
rush x 1000, as a highly profitable metallicity prosperity era
providing darn good employment plus extremely valuable resources that
our planet as is seems to be running out of affordable and much less
environmentally failsafe options, not to mention the past and ongoing
environmental plus genetic trauma that’s caused by existing methods
(including human genetic mutations, multiple cancers and premature
deaths) that can be directly linked to existing mining, hydrocarbon
extractions, various processing activities and their methods of forced
cultivation and product distributions for our use and consumption in
order to sustain the mainstream status quo.
Assuming our planet Earth isn’t going to implode on us, the moon isn’t
going to fall on us and that our current or future leaders are not
going to cause WW3 or any other wars to happen, or that our
terrestrial metallicity cache of common and rare metals, minerals,
hydrocarbons, fresh water and our vast global biodiversity are never
going to get depleted past the point of no return, the only valid
reason for going off-world is simply for the greater fun, profits and
affording less terrestrial trauma to our frail environment that seems
to be in great need of salvaging as is, not to mention that our planet
has to accommodate billions more of us humans on their way plus coping
with our escalating GW/AGW factor that’s compromising virtually
everything we know and supposedly cherish about our overpopulated
planet as is.
Therefore, going off-world shouldn’t be such a bad thing, especially
when our trusty moon and the extremely nearby planet Venus are each so
locally accessible, and even our NASA/Apollo era proved how passive
and oddly inert our moon was to safely land upon and spend time
without any fears of excessive radiation, thermal shock or other
physical risk.  In other words, compared to the use of modern-day
stuff, the fairly primitive applied technology for those fly-by-rocket
landers plus safely accommodating humans and Kodak film was more than
good enough, even though that naked moon offered no magnetosphere as
defending against those fast arriving protons, neutrons, electrons as
well as X-rays and gamma were each non-issues, plus oddly the surface
of our moon wasn’t even the least bit physically dark nor anticathode
worthy (almost as though they’d unknowingly landed upon an isolated
guano island).
Unlike the colorblind NASA/Apollo era, it seems amateurs photographing
our physically dark moon via narrow bandpass optical filters is what
allows the those otherwise faint or subdued colors/hues of the various
metallicity elements to be recorded with sufficient saturation.  This
method is actually not false color or much less artificially assigned
colors, because all of those mineral colors are exactly true to their
visual and secondary/recoil hues of their natural visual spectrum plus
UV illuminated elements.
Of course nowadays with thermally stabilized CCD imagers having at
east 4 db or sixteen fold better dynamic range than film, plus added
spectrum sensitivity well above and below the human visual spectrum
(not to mention portable gamma spectrometry offering near 10 db better
resolution), is where prospecting for valuable minerals or metallicity
elements is going to be relatively easy, not that vast surface areas
are not well enough metallicity saturated as is.  Of course our NASA
hasn’t been any too keen on telling us what valuable elements are
there to take, just like their not mentioning what the planet Venus
has to offer seems to be another taboo/nondisclosure policy.
 Brad Guth, Brad_Guth, Brad.Guth, BradGuth, BG / “Guth Usenet”
How best to further destroy whatever’s left of our environment, while
living large.

A typical oil/gas well of 200,000 barrels/day plus 150e6 cf of raw NG/
* 3.18e4 m3/day of oil
* 4.25e6 m3/day of natural gas

The volume of raw natural gas per barrel of extracted oil can easily
run 50:1 and even up to 1000:1 isn’t unheard of. The oil wellhead
percentage of its CH4 runs between 10% and 90% and this vapor might
include roughly 5% propane, which means that up to 90% of raw natural
gas (typically CO2 and in some instances packing CO plus there’s
always some Butane and Helium and slight amounts of unavoidable radon
and hydrogen sulfides) gets vented or sometimes though rarely forcibly
pumped back into the ground where it usually migrates and leaks out
somewhere else. The quality of refined natural gas that’s mostly CH4
varies greatly, whereas the enormous consumption of natural gas on
behalf of purging those oily sand methods of extracting its crude oil
is almost raw unrefined, which puts a greater amount of toxins and
atmospheric dimming via soot and raw elements of mostly toxic
pollution into the environment, not to mention the full escapement of
elements like helium which further displaces and/or disrupts the
protective layer of O3/ozone.

The Gulf blowout of that deepwater BP fiasco likely spewed upwards of
5e6 barrels of a sulphur oil composite (not including the added
hydrocarbon molecular mutigen toxicity of their Corexit), plus upwards
of another 150 m3 of raw natural gas per barrel of oil.

“The deep-sea hydrocarbon discharge resulting from the BP oil
well blowout in the northern Gulf of Mexico released large
quantities of oil and gaseous hydrocarbons such as methane
into the deep ocean. So far, estimates of hydrocarbon discharge
have focused on the oil released, and have overlooked the
quantity, fate and environmental impact of the gas1. Gaseous
hydrocarbons turn over slowly in the deep ocean, and microbial
consumption of these gases could have a long-lasting impact on
oceanic oxygen levels2. Here, we combine published estimates
of the volume of oil released1,3, together with provisional
estimates of the oil to gas ratio of the discharged fluid4, to
determine the volume of gaseous hydrocarbons discharged
during the spill. We estimate that the spill injected up to
500,000 t of gaseous hydrocarbons into the deep ocean
and that these gaseous emissions comprised 40% of the
total hydrocarbon discharge. Analysis of water around the
wellhead revealed discrete layers of dissolved hydrocarbon
gases between 1,000 and 1,300m depth; concentrations
exceeded background levels by up to 75,000 times. We
suggest that microbial consumption of these gases could
lead to the extensive and persistent depletion of oxygen in
hydrocarbon-enriched waters.”

Can’t we do any better by going off-world? (I’m thinking that sure as
hell can’t possibly do any worse damage)

I mean to suggest, that whatever wellhead blowouts or volumetric
spillage on or within our physically dark moon, or that of exploiting
Venus, is going to be kind of hard to negatively impact our
terrestrial environment, although perhaps if anyone can manage to off-
world pollute Earth it’ll be the remorseless, greedy and arrogant
likes of BP. Obviously I’m not speaking of exploiting either our moon
or Venus for common hydrocarbons, even though such elements should
exist. Instead going after precious metallicity and perhaps the
extremely valuable natural gas of 3He would be most likely what those
exploitations of our moon and the extremely nearby planet Venus would
have to offer, as well as there could be lots of extractable Li-6 and
Hydrogen Deuteride.

Brad Guth, Brad_Guth, Brad.Guth, BradGuth, BG / “Guth Usenet”
Brad Guth
2011-12-26 23:17:55 UTC
Post by Brad Guth
Off-World metallicity is simply offering us the next great future gold-
rush x 1000, as a highly profitable metallicity prosperity era
providing darn good employment plus extremely valuable resources that
our planet as is seems to be running out of affordable and much less
environmentally failsafe options, not to mention the past and ongoing
environmental plus genetic trauma that’s caused by existing methods
(including human genetic mutations, multiple cancers and premature
deaths) that can be directly linked to existing mining, hydrocarbon
extractions, various processing activities and their methods of forced
cultivation and product distributions for our use and consumption in
order to sustain the mainstream status quo.
Assuming our planet Earth isn’t going to implode on us, the moon isn’t
going to fall on us and that our current or future leaders are not
going to cause WW3 or any other wars to happen, or that our
terrestrial metallicity cache of common and rare metals, minerals,
hydrocarbons, fresh water and our vast global biodiversity are never
going to get depleted past the point of no return, the only valid
reason for going off-world is simply for the greater fun, profits and
affording less terrestrial trauma to our frail environment that seems
to be in great need of salvaging as is, not to mention that our planet
has to accommodate billions more of us humans on their way plus coping
with our escalating GW/AGW factor that’s compromising virtually
everything we know and supposedly cherish about our overpopulated
planet as is.
Therefore, going off-world shouldn’t be such a bad thing, especially
when our trusty moon and the extremely nearby planet Venus are each so
locally accessible, and even our NASA/Apollo era proved how passive
and oddly inert our moon was to safely land upon and spend time
without any fears of excessive radiation, thermal shock or other
physical risk.  In other words, compared to the use of modern-day
stuff, the fairly primitive applied technology for those fly-by-rocket
landers plus safely accommodating humans and Kodak film was more than
good enough, even though that naked moon offered no magnetosphere as
defending against those fast arriving protons, neutrons, electrons as
well as X-rays and gamma were each non-issues, plus oddly the surface
of our moon wasn’t even the least bit physically dark nor anticathode
worthy (almost as though they’d unknowingly landed upon an isolated
guano island).
Unlike the colorblind NASA/Apollo era, it seems amateurs photographing
our physically dark moon via narrow bandpass optical filters is what
allows the those otherwise faint or subdued colors/hues of the various
metallicity elements to be recorded with sufficient saturation.  This
method is actually not false color or much less artificially assigned
colors, because all of those mineral colors are exactly true to their
visual and secondary/recoil hues of their natural visual spectrum plus
UV illuminated elements.
Of course nowadays with thermally stabilized CCD imagers having at
east 4 db or sixteen fold better dynamic range than film, plus added
spectrum sensitivity well above and below the human visual spectrum
(not to mention portable gamma spectrometry offering near 10 db better
resolution), is where prospecting for valuable minerals or metallicity
elements is going to be relatively easy, not that vast surface areas
are not well enough metallicity saturated as is.  Of course our NASA
hasn’t been any too keen on telling us what valuable elements are
there to take, just like their not mentioning what the planet Venus
has to offer seems to be another taboo/nondisclosure policy.
 Brad Guth, Brad_Guth, Brad.Guth, BradGuth, BG / “Guth Usenet”
How best to further destroy whatever’s left of our environment, while
living large.
A typical oil/gas well of 200,000 barrels/day plus 150e6 cf of raw NG/
 * 3.18e4 m3/day of oil
 * 4.25e6 m3/day of natural gas
The volume of raw natural gas per barrel of extracted oil can easily
run 50:1 and even up to 1000:1 isn’t unheard of.  The oil wellhead
percentage of its CH4 runs between 10% and 90% and this vapor might
include roughly 5% propane, which means that up to 90% of raw natural
gas (typically CO2 and in some instances packing CO plus there’s
always some Butane and Helium and slight amounts of unavoidable radon
and hydrogen sulfides) gets vented or sometimes though rarely forcibly
pumped back into the ground where it usually migrates and leaks out
somewhere else.  The quality of refined natural gas that’s mostly CH4
varies greatly, whereas the enormous consumption of natural gas on
behalf of purging those oily sand methods of extracting its crude oil
is almost raw unrefined, which puts a greater amount of toxins and
atmospheric dimming via soot and raw elements of mostly toxic
pollution into the environment, not to mention the full escapement of
elements like helium which further displaces and/or disrupts the
protective layer of O3/ozone.
The Gulf blowout of that deepwater BP fiasco likely spewed upwards of
5e6 barrels of a sulphur oil composite (not including the added
hydrocarbon molecular mutigen toxicity of their Corexit), plus upwards
of another 150 m3 of raw natural gas per barrel of oil.
 “The deep-sea hydrocarbon discharge resulting from the BP oil
well blowout in the northern Gulf of Mexico released large
quantities of oil and gaseous hydrocarbons such as methane
into the deep ocean. So far, estimates of hydrocarbon discharge
have focused on the oil released, and have overlooked the
quantity, fate and environmental impact of the gas1. Gaseous
hydrocarbons turn over slowly in the deep ocean, and microbial
consumption of these gases could have a long-lasting impact on
oceanic oxygen levels2. Here, we combine published estimates
of the volume of oil released1,3, together with provisional
estimates of the oil to gas ratio of the discharged fluid4, to
determine the volume of gaseous hydrocarbons discharged
during the spill. We estimate that the spill injected up to
500,000 t of gaseous hydrocarbons into the deep ocean
and that these gaseous emissions comprised 40% of the
total hydrocarbon discharge. Analysis of water around the
wellhead revealed discrete layers of dissolved hydrocarbon
gases between 1,000 and 1,300m depth; concentrations
exceeded background levels by up to 75,000 times. We
suggest that microbial consumption of these gases could
lead to the extensive and persistent depletion of oxygen in
hydrocarbon-enriched waters.”
Can’t we do any better by going off-world? (I’m thinking that sure as
hell can’t possibly do any worse damage)
I mean to suggest, that whatever wellhead blowouts or volumetric
spillage on or within our physically dark moon, or that of exploiting
Venus, is going to be kind of hard to negatively impact our
terrestrial environment, although perhaps if anyone can manage to off-
world pollute Earth it’ll be the remorseless, greedy and arrogant
likes of BP.  Obviously I’m not speaking of exploiting either our moon
or Venus for common hydrocarbons, even though such elements should
exist.  Instead going after precious metallicity and perhaps the
extremely valuable natural gas of 3He would be most likely what those
exploitations of our moon and the extremely nearby planet Venus would
have to offer, as well as there could be lots of extractable Li-6 and
Hydrogen Deuteride.
 Brad Guth, Brad_Guth, Brad.Guth, BradGuth, BG / “Guth Usenet”
Terrestrial hydrocarbons are going to become the most damaging folly
towards expediting the ongoing demise of our frail environment, not
that hydrocarbons haven’t contributed to the advancements of humanity
in spite of their already having done more damage than good by
indirectly fueling our faith-based cultivated rage and distrust of
other humans, plus expediting the systematic demise of highly complex
species that took millions of years to evolve before any embryo of a
primitive human ever existed, whereas we’ve managed to eradicate them
within a few centuries (most extensively during this last century).

In spite of nature venting plus how extra dreadful we’ve made this
world for most of us, the staggering task of salvaging Earth and
accommodating billions more of us is still going to be relatively easy
compared to going after the greater off-world prosperity that’s
represented by our moon and Venus, replacing hydrocarbons with rare
metallicity and preferably using hydrogen, thorium, geothermal and
Li-6 + H-D fusion instead of our perpetual dependency on
hydrocarbons. This doesn’t mean that hydrocarbons are banished or
otherwise entirely excluded, but instead more selectively utilized
along with HTP that’s easily formulated to suit, thereby stretching
those expensive hydrocarbons and minimizing their impact by a good 5

The off-world cost of anything is kind of relative, such as how Big
Energy managed to go along with starting and sustaining bogus wars is
what also enabled our very own oil explorations and extractions to
become viable, as well as those oily-sands as Canadian alternatives
that are clearly a negative energy coefficient and a maximum pollution
tradeoff that our next ten generations will never see any direct nor
indirect benefit from, but what the hell, at least it’s keeping our
hydrocarbon addiction going. This same global inflation makes spent
mineral mining viable and even worth the extra energy and human risk,
all because of the contrived shortages and obvious hoarding by those
that could care less what global trauma and carnage takes place.

No doubt Venus is much worse than any hot potato. However, that
scorching hot planet has lots of metallicity in those valuable raw
elements to offer, and there’s no shortage of renewable energy to
process any of it. But naturally, we can just keep ignoring this and/
or avoiding the opportunity to take our fair share of its valuable
elements that could make our world a whole lot better and safer place
to live, as I'm certain that our terrestrial robber-baron oligarchs
and Rothschilds would dearly love if we'd just forget about ever
exploiting the likes of our moon and that extremely nearby planet,

Going after off-world elements (including hydrocarbons) may at first
seem kind of spendy, although once past their breakeven point it’s all
good, and off-world metallicity alone can make that investment
breakeven happen much sooner than our mainstream mafia oligarchs and
Rothschilds are putting us on about. Unlike terrestrial hydrocarbons
costing us trillions each and every year, from our direct consumption
plus via industrial, commercial and government spending on such that’s
strictly need-to-know because they (DoD, Pentagon and a good dozen
other agencies) seriously manage to consume mass quantities of
hydrocarbons, in that some of which gets paid for in ways other than
direct currency (such as in exchange for their off-shore facilities,
drugs and weapons, or in exchange for certain social/political favors
that the next generations gets to pay for in ways of consequences and/
or as karma that’s even more convoluted and spendy than we’re being

Obviously I’m not suggesting that actual liquids or even solid forms
of hydrocarbons be exploited away from off-world resources, because
that’s just silly, however there are a number of hydrocarbon related
products or synthetic derivatives which might qualify. Even 90% HTP
can be bulk manufactured for as little as $0.5/kg (cheaper if via
Mokenergy solar derived HTP) and has a wholesale value of $10/kg (not
including its spendy shipping that’s based almost entirely on FUD
orchestrated paranoia, that could easily double that cost) and when
diluted 30:1 brings its wholesale worth up to roughly $300/kg, though
perhaps a solid cryogenic inert form of 99% HTP or even modified as a
crystallized Acetone Peroxide could become further modified in order
to suit its extremely high density form of 5.3 km/sec explosive
energy, by adding something for stabilization that could be easily

Raw hydrocarbons via coal, oil and natural gas are always laced with
all sorts of other undesirable elements, some of which are nearly
inert or quite harmless, others potentially valuable while many are
just downright nasty and spendy to safely get rid of, such as the safe
removal and storage or disposal of mercury from coal is so nasty and
spendy to accomplish that most global Big Energy consumption of coal
doesn’t hardly bother, because it’s always the old and next generation
that get to suffer and pay for everything (including our paying for
whatever future genetic mutations plus environmental consequences that
are pretty much all bad).

So, instead of our going for as much as possible all-electric by using
renewable resources plus failsafe thorium which Earth has way more
than enough as is (wouldn’t have cost us 10% of using conventional
uranium fueled reactors), why is the honest all-inclusive cost and/or
impact of even astronomy and so many other research things so often
impossible for us to quantify? (especially whenever public-funded
special interest groups or just Big Energy plus metallicity hoarding
gets involved by forcing us to stick with their terrestrial resources
that are knowingly toxic and getting spendy in more ways than anyone
cares to mention). In other words, supposedly it all adds up, but
without the honest accounting there’s simply nothing that’s
sufficiently all-inclusive to add up, and apparently that’s exactly
how those in charge intend to keep it.

Even the ongoing and artificially accelerated rate of helium loss
isn’t allowed to be discussed, as though it’s another one of those
need-to-know or nondisclosure taboo topics that simply offers too much
potential doom and gloom even for our resident FUD-masters to spin
into something harmless. Obviously the eliminations and/or
orchestrated demise of such Earth science missions like OCO was a
critical damage-control accomplishment that directly benefits Big
Energy, as well as covers any number of government butts, because
quantifying and mapping global pollution from natural and artificial
sources is obviously something best left hidden or simply obfuscated/
excluded from the rest of us, and it’s either minimized and/or
discredited within any serious Usenet newsgroup topics that mainstream
investigative media might accidentally stumble upon.

Perhaps if we collectively blowout the equivalent of that Gulf BP
fiasco every other month or so could make this planet better implode.
By dumping plus venting six million tonnes of hydrocarbons per year in
addition to what those not so little volumes we manage to consume,
could actually be a very good thing that we’re just not quite smart
enough to appreciate the benefits of CO2, CO, NOx and those sooty and
acidic water vapor variations plus loads of extra helium and a good
dozen other unnatural elements (some fortified with the genetically
toxic molecular mutagen of Corexit), that instead should have stayed
deep underground until we have a failsafe method of extracting only
the methane without having to process and/or release those nasty

Without a good enough reason or motivation for creating and consuming
vast amounts of renewable hydrogen that’s easily and cheaply made via
solar energy or derived from most any form of surplus energy (same
goes for creating HTP), much less bothering to use Li-6 + H-D for its
terrific fusion energy, perhaps there’s no reason to kid ourselves
that remaining hooked on terrestrial hydrocarbons is supposedly a good
thing and well worth all the wars, pollution, global inflation and the
wealth disparity it can muster. Perhaps we just need to rethink like
an oligarch Rothschild, and everything will turn out perfectly fine
and dandy, in spite of all the helium loss plus hydrocarbon trauma
we’ve imposed upon our world.

Oops! there I go, ranting off like a village idiot again, by
mentioning that very bad word “helium”. Sorry about that.

“In the Earth's atmosphere, the concentration of helium by volume is
only 5.2 parts per million. The concentration is low and fairly
constant despite the continuous production of new helium because most
helium in the Earth's atmosphere escapes into space by several

It’s suggested that the natural leakage of helium that’s sustaining
our atmospheric 5.24 ppm is only worth 3000 tonnes per year, but
that’s a crock. All one needs to do is add up all the vented, flared
and consumed natural gas that always has a percentage of helium,
though most of it is below 1% and only some of it gets as high as 7%
helium saturated. As per consuming 3.65e12 m3/yr and only 0.1% as He
= 650,000 tonnes/year, and try to remember that’s using just an
extremely conservative 0.1% as He, and that’s also not accounting for
those blowouts, flaring, leakage nor Big Energy consumption that
supposedly doesn’t count, so more than likely from natural gas alone
we’re looking at 6.5e6 tonnes/yr that’s getting away from us, because
it sure as hell isn’t getting put back underground, nor is it sticking
with the gravity of Earth.

Brad Guth, Brad_Guth, Brad.Guth, BradGuth, BG / “Guth Usenet”
Brad Guth
2011-12-28 20:41:43 UTC
The intentional moving and arranging of big rocks tend to suggest
great strength and resolve, or possibly some intelligent degree of
rational function that’s most likely habitat related. For example,
those clearly side by side and multiple rectangular quarry sites on
Venus many offer a perfectly deductive indication as to where some of
their basic construction materials came from.

Thumbnail images, including the mgn_c115s095_1.gif (225 m/pixel)

Of course the quarry operations and moving of really big rocks on a
planet like Venus is extremely simple and efficient when you’ve got
unlimited local energy that’s clean and renewable, only 90.5% gravity
and 65 kg/m3 buoyancy to work with. However, at best Venus is not
going to represent any Pandora nor like not any other kind of science
fiction depicted planet of forbidden nature.

Unlike the naked surface of our physically dark moon that’s of mostly
fused basalt of sufficient metallicity to be highly paramagnetic,
which gets direct cosmic and solar wind blasted as well as physically
pulverized, the kind of newish formed surface of Venus is rather
nicely protected from such potentially devastating elements and
physical influx.

From what little I know of insulation and refrigeration or air
conditioning, it doesn’t take much rock to fabricate well insulated
structures, especially when common basalt can be so easily processed
into terrific fibers and micro-spheres or milli-spheres that can
achieve R-1024/meter as a thermal barrier coefficient of .0009765 per
meter per K of thermal differential, simply isn’t going to demand all
that much energy. Of course you can always pretend that the one and
only intelligence in the universe is stuck right here on Earth, and
therefore anything that looks the least bit complex infrastructure
worthy about Venus can be though of as just highly unusual geology
that accomplishes stuff unheard of and somewhat beyond the known laws
of physics, just like we can keep pretending that government and their
vast array of agencies that so often get to do as they please, had
absolutely nothing whatsoever with causing 9/11 or the systemic demise
of our investments, job security and global inflation that hurts the
lower 99.9% ten fold worse than it hurts the upper most 0.1% that
always get and/or simply take compensations as well as public bailout
loot to suit.

Thumbnail images, including mgn_c115s095_1.gif (225 m/pixel)
Lava channels, Lo Shen Valles, Venus from Magellan Cycle 1
“Guth Venus”, at 10x resample/enlargement of the area in question:
Brad Guth / Blog and my Google document pages:
Brad Guth, Brad_Guth, Brad.Guth, BradGuth, BG / “Guth Usenet”
Off-World metallicity is simply offering us the next great future gold-
rush x 1000, as a highly profitable metallicity prosperity era
providing darn good employment plus extremely valuable resources that
our planet as is seems to be running out of affordable and much less
environmentally failsafe options, not to mention the past and ongoing
environmental plus genetic trauma that’s caused by existing methods
(including human genetic mutations, multiple cancers and premature
deaths) that can be directly linked to existing mining, hydrocarbon
extractions, various processing activities and their methods of forced
cultivation and product distributions for our use and consumption in
order to sustain the mainstream status quo.
Assuming our planet Earth isn’t going to implode on us, the moon isn’t
going to fall on us and that our current or future leaders are not
going to cause WW3 or any other wars to happen, or that our
terrestrial metallicity cache of common and rare metals, minerals,
hydrocarbons, fresh water and our vast global biodiversity are never
going to get depleted past the point of no return, the only valid
reason for going off-world is simply for the greater fun, profits and
affording less terrestrial trauma to our frail environment that seems
to be in great need of salvaging as is, not to mention that our planet
has to accommodate billions more of us humans on their way plus coping
with our escalating GW/AGW factor that’s compromising virtually
everything we know and supposedly cherish about our overpopulated
planet as is.
Therefore, going off-world shouldn’t be such a bad thing, especially
when our trusty moon and the extremely nearby planet Venus are each so
locally accessible, and even our NASA/Apollo era proved how passive
and oddly inert our moon was to safely land upon and spend time
without any fears of excessive radiation, thermal shock or other
physical risk.  In other words, compared to the use of modern-day
stuff, the fairly primitive applied technology for those fly-by-rocket
landers plus safely accommodating humans and Kodak film was more than
good enough, even though that naked moon offered no magnetosphere as
defending against those fast arriving protons, neutrons, electrons as
well as X-rays and gamma were each non-issues, plus oddly the surface
of our moon wasn’t even the least bit physically dark nor anticathode
worthy (almost as though they’d unknowingly landed upon an isolated
guano island).
Unlike the colorblind NASA/Apollo era, it seems amateurs photographing
our physically dark moon via narrow bandpass optical filters is what
allows the those otherwise faint or subdued colors/hues of the various
metallicity elements to be recorded with sufficient saturation.  This
method is actually not false color or much less artificially assigned
colors, because all of those mineral colors are exactly true to their
visual and secondary/recoil hues of their natural visual spectrum plus
UV illuminated elements.
Of course nowadays with thermally stabilized CCD imagers having at
east 4 db or sixteen fold better dynamic range than film, plus added
spectrum sensitivity well above and below the human visual spectrum
(not to mention portable gamma spectrometry offering near 10 db better
resolution), is where prospecting for valuable minerals or metallicity
elements is going to be relatively easy, not that vast surface areas
are not well enough metallicity saturated as is.  Of course our NASA
hasn’t been any too keen on telling us what valuable elements are
there to take, just like their not mentioning what the planet Venus
has to offer seems to be another taboo/nondisclosure policy.
 Brad Guth, Brad_Guth, Brad.Guth, BradGuth, BG / “Guth Usenet”
Brad Guth
2011-12-28 22:03:59 UTC
Off-World metallicity is simply offering us the next great future gold-
rush x 1000, as a highly profitable metallicity prosperity era
providing darn good employment plus extremely valuable resources that
our planet as is seems to be running out of affordable and much less
environmentally failsafe options, not to mention the past and ongoing
environmental plus genetic trauma that’s caused by existing methods
(including human genetic mutations, multiple cancers and premature
deaths) that can be directly linked to existing mining, hydrocarbon
extractions, various processing activities and their methods of forced
cultivation and product distributions for our use and consumption in
order to sustain the mainstream status quo.
Assuming our planet Earth isn’t going to implode on us, the moon isn’t
going to fall on us and that our current or future leaders are not
going to cause WW3 or any other wars to happen, or that our
terrestrial metallicity cache of common and rare metals, minerals,
hydrocarbons, fresh water and our vast global biodiversity are never
going to get depleted past the point of no return, the only valid
reason for going off-world is simply for the greater fun, profits and
affording less terrestrial trauma to our frail environment that seems
to be in great need of salvaging as is, not to mention that our planet
has to accommodate billions more of us humans on their way plus coping
with our escalating GW/AGW factor that’s compromising virtually
everything we know and supposedly cherish about our overpopulated
planet as is.
Therefore, going off-world shouldn’t be such a bad thing, especially
when our trusty moon and the extremely nearby planet Venus are each so
locally accessible, and even our NASA/Apollo era proved how passive
and oddly inert our moon was to safely land upon and spend time
without any fears of excessive radiation, thermal shock or other
physical risk.  In other words, compared to the use of modern-day
stuff, the fairly primitive applied technology for those fly-by-rocket
landers plus safely accommodating humans and Kodak film was more than
good enough, even though that naked moon offered no magnetosphere as
defending against those fast arriving protons, neutrons, electrons as
well as X-rays and gamma were each non-issues, plus oddly the surface
of our moon wasn’t even the least bit physically dark nor anticathode
worthy (almost as though they’d unknowingly landed upon an isolated
guano island).
Unlike the colorblind NASA/Apollo era, it seems amateurs photographing
our physically dark moon via narrow bandpass optical filters is what
allows the those otherwise faint or subdued colors/hues of the various
metallicity elements to be recorded with sufficient saturation.  This
method is actually not false color or much less artificially assigned
colors, because all of those mineral colors are exactly true to their
visual and secondary/recoil hues of their natural visual spectrum plus
UV illuminated elements.
Of course nowadays with thermally stabilized CCD imagers having at
east 4 db or sixteen fold better dynamic range than film, plus added
spectrum sensitivity well above and below the human visual spectrum
(not to mention portable gamma spectrometry offering near 10 db better
resolution), is where prospecting for valuable minerals or metallicity
elements is going to be relatively easy, not that vast surface areas
are not well enough metallicity saturated as is.  Of course our NASA
hasn’t been any too keen on telling us what valuable elements are
there to take, just like their not mentioning what the planet Venus
has to offer seems to be another taboo/nondisclosure policy.
 Brad Guth, Brad_Guth, Brad.Guth, BradGuth, BG / “Guth Usenet”
We can’t live on hydrocarbons forever. At some future point of no
return, our hydrocarbon resources are going to become too risky and/or
too spendy and complicated. Even Mokenergy doing his cheaper and way
cleaner synfuel from coal is only a couple hundred year fix. So we
have to either replace hydrocarbons with William Mook’s cheap H2 and
my HTP to go along with the remainders of spendy hydrocarbons via
synfuels made extensively from organics, or those taken from 10 km
deep wells that’ll have to frack for most every m3 of oil and natural

Fusion is likely never going to become our mainstream norm, because
fusion derived energy is exactly the same as any fusion WMD, and
thorium reactors are simply too cheap and failsafe to suit the needs
of those intent upon gaining as much public-funded job security plus
as much plutonium as possible, and you can’t do any of that by using

Terrestrial underwater volcanic vents and lava spewing is worth at
least 75% of the global volumetric contributions to our oceans, crust
and atmosphere. After all, precious helium and other atmospheric
elements plus metallicity of all sports has to keep coming from
Loading Image...

Any deductive idea as to the average global contribution is going to
be highly disputed and/or remain next to impossible to contemplate,
because most every scientific survey uses a different standard and
provides various interpretations that leave a great deal up for grabs,
so to speak.

There’s roughly on average a good 50 to 75 underwater volcanoes of
substantial size and volumetric contribution, and thousands of smaller
vents or geothermal leaks taking place, so that the volumetric average
plus thermodynamic contribution of all this is going to remain hard to
impossible to pin down, especially without the likes of our OCO
satellites that had been specifically designed to map and quantify
such data. At any rate, us humans represent contributing something
like a very large and nasty continuous volcano per billion humans, so
perhaps at most we add 10% to the ongoing global trauma. So far so
good, as long as you can afford to ignore whatever our moon is doing
to our planet, and manage to keep up with the popular trend that’s
getting kind of lethal and spendy, because for those others that
can’t, too bad.

Fortunately there’s nothing about the toasty surface of Venus that’s
hidden or getting confused with any cloak of fluid dynamics that can’t
be fully researched as is. This is not to say that SAR imaging hasn’t
recorded fluids, as well as the considerable erosion from volcanic or
geothermal driven and planet shrinkage derived mud flows. There’s
also no question where its terrific atmosphere is coming from, and
surface metallicity isn’t in question.

Take a real good look-see for yourself, but don’t pay any attention to
your peers or their higher authority that have multiple terrestrial
investments at risk, because they’ll consistently obfuscate and naysay
damn near anything that gets in their way.

Thumbnail images, including mgn_c115s095_1.gif (225 m/pixel)
Lava channels, Lo Shen Valles, Venus from Magellan Cycle 1
“Guth Venus”, at 10x resample/enlargement of the area in question:
Brad Guth / Blog and my Google document pages:
Brad Guth, Brad_Guth, Brad.Guth, BradGuth, BG / “Guth Usenet”
Brad Guth
2011-12-29 05:51:24 UTC
Off-World metallicity is simply offering us the next great future gold-
rush x 1000, as a highly profitable metallicity prosperity era
providing darn good employment plus extremely valuable resources that
our planet as is seems to be running out of affordable and much less
environmentally failsafe options, not to mention the past and ongoing
environmental plus genetic trauma that’s caused by existing methods
(including human genetic mutations, multiple cancers and premature
deaths) that can be directly linked to existing mining, hydrocarbon
extractions, various processing activities and their methods of forced
cultivation and product distributions for our use and consumption in
order to sustain the mainstream status quo.
Assuming our planet Earth isn’t going to implode on us, the moon isn’t
going to fall on us and that our current or future leaders are not
going to cause WW3 or any other wars to happen, or that our
terrestrial metallicity cache of common and rare metals, minerals,
hydrocarbons, fresh water and our vast global biodiversity are never
going to get depleted past the point of no return, the only valid
reason for going off-world is simply for the greater fun, profits and
affording less terrestrial trauma to our frail environment that seems
to be in great need of salvaging as is, not to mention that our planet
has to accommodate billions more of us humans on their way plus coping
with our escalating GW/AGW factor that’s compromising virtually
everything we know and supposedly cherish about our overpopulated
planet as is.
Therefore, going off-world shouldn’t be such a bad thing, especially
when our trusty moon and the extremely nearby planet Venus are each so
locally accessible, and even our NASA/Apollo era proved how passive
and oddly inert our moon was to safely land upon and spend time
without any fears of excessive radiation, thermal shock or other
physical risk.  In other words, compared to the use of modern-day
stuff, the fairly primitive applied technology for those fly-by-rocket
landers plus safely accommodating humans and Kodak film was more than
good enough, even though that naked moon offered no magnetosphere as
defending against those fast arriving protons, neutrons, electrons as
well as X-rays and gamma were each non-issues, plus oddly the surface
of our moon wasn’t even the least bit physically dark nor anticathode
worthy (almost as though they’d unknowingly landed upon an isolated
guano island).
Unlike the colorblind NASA/Apollo era, it seems amateurs photographing
our physically dark moon via narrow bandpass optical filters is what
allows the those otherwise faint or subdued colors/hues of the various
metallicity elements to be recorded with sufficient saturation.  This
method is actually not false color or much less artificially assigned
colors, because all of those mineral colors are exactly true to their
visual and secondary/recoil hues of their natural visual spectrum plus
UV illuminated elements.
Of course nowadays with thermally stabilized CCD imagers having at
east 4 db or sixteen fold better dynamic range than film, plus added
spectrum sensitivity well above and below the human visual spectrum
(not to mention portable gamma spectrometry offering near 10 db better
resolution), is where prospecting for valuable minerals or metallicity
elements is going to be relatively easy, not that vast surface areas
are not well enough metallicity saturated as is.  Of course our NASA
hasn’t been any too keen on telling us what valuable elements are
there to take, just like their not mentioning what the planet Venus
has to offer seems to be another taboo/nondisclosure policy.
 Brad Guth, Brad_Guth, Brad.Guth, BradGuth, BG / “Guth Usenet”
We can’t live on hydrocarbons forever.  At some future point of no
return, our hydrocarbon resources are going to become too risky and/or
too spendy and complicated.  Even Mokenergy doing his cheaper and way
cleaner synfuel from coal is only a couple hundred year fix.  So we
have to either replace hydrocarbons with William Mook’s cheap H2 and
my HTP to go along with the remainders of spendy hydrocarbons via
synfuels made extensively from organics, or those taken from 10 km
deep wells that’ll have to frack for most every m3 of oil and natural
Fusion is likely never going to become our mainstream norm, because
fusion derived energy is exactly the same as any fusion WMD, and
thorium reactors are simply too cheap and failsafe to suit the needs
of those intent upon gaining as much public-funded job security plus
as much plutonium as possible, and you can’t do any of that by using
Terrestrial underwater volcanic vents and lava spewing is worth at
least 75% of the global volumetric contributions to our oceans, crust
and atmosphere.  After all, precious helium and other atmospheric
elements plus metallicity of all sports has to keep coming from
 Any  deductive idea as to the average global contribution is going to
be highly disputed and/or remain next to impossible to contemplate,
because most every scientific survey uses a different standard and
provides various interpretations that leave a great deal up for grabs,
so to speak.
There’s roughly on average a good 50 to 75 underwater volcanoes of
substantial size and volumetric contribution, and thousands of smaller
vents or geothermal leaks taking place, so that the volumetric average
plus thermodynamic contribution of all this is going to remain hard to
impossible to pin down, especially without the likes of our OCO
satellites that had been specifically designed to map and quantify
such data.  At any rate, us humans represent contributing something
like a very large and nasty continuous volcano per billion humans, so
perhaps at most we add 10% to the ongoing global trauma.  So far so
good, as long as you can afford to ignore whatever our moon is doing
to our planet, and manage to keep up with the popular trend that’s
getting kind of lethal and spendy, because for those others that
can’t, too bad.
Fortunately there’s nothing about the toasty surface of Venus that’s
hidden or getting confused with any cloak of fluid dynamics that can’t
be fully researched as is.  This is not to say that SAR imaging hasn’t
recorded fluids, as well as the considerable erosion from volcanic or
geothermal driven and planet shrinkage derived mud flows.  There’s
also no question where its terrific atmosphere is coming from, and
surface metallicity isn’t in question.
Take a real good look-see for yourself, but don’t pay any attention to
your peers or their higher authority that have multiple terrestrial
investments at risk, because they’ll consistently obfuscate and naysay
damn near anything that gets in their way.
Thumbnail images, including mgn_c115s095_1.gif (225 m/pixel)
Lava channels, Lo Shen Valles, Venus from Magellan Cycle 1
 Brad Guth, Brad_Guth, Brad.Guth, BradGuth, BG / “Guth Usenet”
Earth certainly isn’t devoid of metallicity, although much of the
really good stuff seems scarce, hidden or deeply sequestered, and
perhaps that’s a darn good thing since much of it is relatively toxic
to our surface environment. Even thorium and uranium are better left
in the soil and rock, rather than gathered up and concentrated enough
for fissions to take place, not to mention the secondary byproducts
created by processing and using uranium seems to be highly problematic
and spendy.

Globally we get something like 4~5 km3 of volcanic solids and perhaps
4~5e3 km3 in composite vapors per year. Most of what comes out is
naturally much heavier metallicity worthy than helium, and thus
forever sticks with us. Helium on the other hand doesn’t bind with
anything, and unless gathered up and contained it tends to go away
from Earth.

Brad Guth, Brad_Guth, Brad.Guth, BradGuth, BG / “Guth Usenet”
Brad Guth
2011-12-29 18:11:22 UTC
Why should we bother with going after off-world metallicity?

How about considering lifetime and multi-generation-proof jobs by the
millions, not to mention reduced environmental trauma and eliminating
our trade imbalance with a healthy surplus to spare, making America
the global robber barons in charge of hoarding and profiting just
about everything, essentially kicking out the likes of any Rothschilds
or Bank of China.

Earth certainly isn’t depleted of sufficient metallicity, because
supposedly it still has absolutely everything we need and then some,
although much of the really good stuff that used to be easy to come by
seems to have become scarce as well as artificially hoarded, hidden or
simply deeply sequestered within Earth, and perhaps that’s a darn good
thing since much of it and its processing is relatively toxic to our
surface environment. Even thorium and uranium are better left in the
soil and rock, rather than gathered up and concentrated enough for
fissions to take place, not to mention those secondary fission
byproducts created by processing and using uranium seems to have
become highly problematic and spendy as hell for us (especially when
those conventional reactors spit-up and/or blow their guts out, not to
mention spent fuel and those pesky WMD considerations), so perhaps the
annual off-world supply of either of those elements would highly
benefit us.

The natural evolving geology of Earth is yet another consideration,
whereas globally we get to deal with something like 4~5 km3 of
volcanic solids and perhaps 4~5e3 km3 in composite gas vapors per
year. Most of what comes out is somewhat destructive, as well as
disruptive and naturally much heavier metallicity worthy than helium,
and thus forever sticks with us or at least ends up in the oceans and
atmosphere. Vented helium on the other hand doesn’t bind with
anything, and unless gathered up and contained it tends to migrate
away from Earth because it’s easily solar wind extracted.

That's certainly a little off-topic, but indirectly it actually means
a lot. If we can manage to reduce the physical trauma to our
environment without our having to do without essential metallicity,
would be a very good thing. Better yet is when the off-world
metallicity is of higher quality and cheaper than terrestrial
alternatives, reducing social/political tensions seems like another
terrific benefit, not to mention the new and improved job security
might also be considered by some of us as a good thing, such as by
obtaining 10% of the annual metallicity from off-world resources could
easily provide a million high paying jobs with no end in sight, and
each of those jobs could easily spawn ten others.

Of course any 10% of annual metallicity supply may not seem all that
terrific, but considering the all-inclusive global savings and reduced
trauma to our environment plus a terrific energy savings should offer
a fairly impressive win-win kind of solution. William Mook and a few
others used to highly promote the vast wealth and benefits of their
off-world mining solutions, such as obtained from those asteroids
passing nearby, or from a few orbital planetoids that could be
relocated into a somewhat closer LEO or smacked into the farside of
our moon for processing, which might also be a terrific option for
terminating those items that could impose some future direct threat,
as to diverting their otherwise potential of impacting Earth. Last
time I’d checked, avoiding any asteroid imposed damage to our planet
could be worth many trillions, and possibly even worth a quadrillion,
plus this impact avoidance could easily save more than a billion of us
from certain death and others from the trauma of trying to survive and
rebuild everything.

So, a global supply of pure thorium as easily obtained from our
physically dark moon shouldn’t be scoffed at unless you have a better
idea. Many other valuable rare elements should also be considered as
a supplement or alternative to terrestrial derived elements.

Brad Guth, Brad_Guth, Brad.Guth, BradGuth, BG / “Guth Usenet”
Off-World metallicity is simply offering us the next great future gold-
rush x 1000, as a highly profitable metallicity prosperity era
providing darn good employment plus extremely valuable resources that
our planet as is seems to be running out of affordable and much less
environmentally failsafe options, not to mention the past and ongoing
environmental plus genetic trauma that’s caused by existing methods
(including human genetic mutations, multiple cancers and premature
deaths) that can be directly linked to existing mining, hydrocarbon
extractions, various processing activities and their methods of forced
cultivation and product distributions for our use and consumption in
order to sustain the mainstream status quo.
Assuming our planet Earth isn’t going to implode on us, the moon isn’t
going to fall on us and that our current or future leaders are not
going to cause WW3 or any other wars to happen, or that our
terrestrial metallicity cache of common and rare metals, minerals,
hydrocarbons, fresh water and our vast global biodiversity are never
going to get depleted past the point of no return, the only valid
reason for going off-world is simply for the greater fun, profits and
affording less terrestrial trauma to our frail environment that seems
to be in great need of salvaging as is, not to mention that our planet
has to accommodate billions more of us humans on their way plus coping
with our escalating GW/AGW factor that’s compromising virtually
everything we know and supposedly cherish about our overpopulated
planet as is.
Therefore, going off-world shouldn’t be such a bad thing, especially
when our trusty moon and the extremely nearby planet Venus are each so
locally accessible, and even our NASA/Apollo era proved how passive
and oddly inert our moon was to safely land upon and spend time
without any fears of excessive radiation, thermal shock or other
physical risk.  In other words, compared to the use of modern-day
stuff, the fairly primitive applied technology for those fly-by-rocket
landers plus safely accommodating humans and Kodak film was more than
good enough, even though that naked moon offered no magnetosphere as
defending against those fast arriving protons, neutrons, electrons as
well as X-rays and gamma were each non-issues, plus oddly the surface
of our moon wasn’t even the least bit physically dark nor anticathode
worthy (almost as though they’d unknowingly landed upon an isolated
guano island).
Unlike the colorblind NASA/Apollo era, it seems amateurs photographing
our physically dark moon via narrow bandpass optical filters is what
allows the those otherwise faint or subdued colors/hues of the various
metallicity elements to be recorded with sufficient saturation.  This
method is actually not false color or much less artificially assigned
colors, because all of those mineral colors are exactly true to their
visual and secondary/recoil hues of their natural visual spectrum plus
UV illuminated elements.
Of course nowadays with thermally stabilized CCD imagers having at
east 4 db or sixteen fold better dynamic range than film, plus added
spectrum sensitivity well above and below the human visual spectrum
(not to mention portable gamma spectrometry offering near 10 db better
resolution), is where prospecting for valuable minerals or metallicity
elements is going to be relatively easy, not that vast surface areas
are not well enough metallicity saturated as is.  Of course our NASA
hasn’t been any too keen on telling us what valuable elements are
there to take, just like their not mentioning what the planet Venus
has to offer seems to be another taboo/nondisclosure policy.
 Brad Guth, Brad_Guth, Brad.Guth, BradGuth, BG / “Guth Usenet”
We can’t live on hydrocarbons forever.  At some future point of no
return, our hydrocarbon resources are going to become too risky and/or
too spendy and complicated.  Even Mokenergy doing his cheaper and way
cleaner synfuel from coal is only a couple hundred year fix.  So we
have to either replace hydrocarbons with William Mook’s cheap H2 and
my HTP to go along with the remainders of spendy hydrocarbons via
synfuels made extensively from organics, or those taken from 10 km
deep wells that’ll have to frack for most every m3 of oil and natural
Fusion is likely never going to become our mainstream norm, because
fusion derived energy is exactly the same as any fusion WMD, and
thorium reactors are simply too cheap and failsafe to suit the needs
of those intent upon gaining as much public-funded job security plus
as much plutonium as possible, and you can’t do any of that by using
Terrestrial underwater volcanic vents and lava spewing is worth at
least 75% of the global volumetric contributions to our oceans, crust
and atmosphere.  After all, precious helium and other atmospheric
elements plus metallicity of all sports has to keep coming from
 Any  deductive idea as to the average global contribution is going to
be highly disputed and/or remain next to impossible to contemplate,
because most every scientific survey uses a different standard and
provides various interpretations that leave a great deal up for grabs,
so to speak.
There’s roughly on average a good 50 to 75 underwater volcanoes of
substantial size and volumetric contribution, and thousands of smaller
vents or geothermal leaks taking place, so that the volumetric average
plus thermodynamic contribution of all this is going to remain hard to
impossible to pin down, especially without the likes of our OCO
satellites that had been specifically designed to map and quantify
such data.  At any rate, us humans represent contributing something
like a very large and nasty continuous volcano per billion humans, so
perhaps at most we add 10% to the ongoing global trauma.  So far so
good, as long as you can afford to ignore whatever our moon is doing
to our planet, and manage to keep up with the popular trend that’s
getting kind of lethal and spendy, because for those others that
can’t, too bad.
Fortunately there’s nothing about the toasty surface of Venus that’s
hidden or getting confused with any cloak of fluid dynamics that can’t
be fully researched as is.  This is not to say that SAR imaging hasn’t
recorded fluids, as well as the considerable erosion from volcanic or
geothermal driven and planet shrinkage derived mud flows.  There’s
also no question where its terrific atmosphere is coming from, and
surface metallicity isn’t in question.
Take a real good look-see for yourself, but don’t pay any attention to
your peers or their higher authority that have multiple terrestrial
investments at risk, because they’ll consistently obfuscate and naysay
damn near anything that gets in their way.
Thumbnail images, including mgn_c115s095_1.gif (225 m/pixel)
Lava channels, Lo Shen Valles, Venus from Magellan Cycle 1
 Brad Guth, Brad_Guth, Brad.Guth, BradGuth, BG / “Guth Usenet”
Brad Guth
2011-12-29 18:12:06 UTC
Why should we bother with going after off-world metallicity?

How about considering lifetime and multi-generation-proof jobs by the
millions, not to mention reduced environmental trauma and eliminating
our trade imbalance with a healthy surplus to spare, making America
the global robber barons in charge of hoarding and profiting just
about everything, essentially kicking out the likes of any Rothschilds
or Bank of China.

Earth certainly isn’t depleted of sufficient metallicity, because
supposedly it still has absolutely everything we need and then some,
although much of the really good stuff that used to be easy to come by
seems to have become scarce as well as artificially hoarded, hidden or
simply deeply sequestered within Earth, and perhaps that’s a darn good
thing since much of it and its processing is relatively toxic to our
surface environment. Even thorium and uranium are better left in the
soil and rock, rather than gathered up and concentrated enough for
fissions to take place, not to mention those secondary fission
byproducts created by processing and using uranium seems to have
become highly problematic and spendy as hell for us (especially when
those conventional reactors spit-up and/or blow their guts out, not to
mention spent fuel and those pesky WMD considerations), so perhaps the
annual off-world supply of either of those elements would highly
benefit us.

The natural evolving geology of Earth is yet another consideration,
whereas globally we get to deal with something like 4~5 km3 of
volcanic solids and perhaps 4~5e3 km3 in composite gas vapors per
year. Most of what comes out is somewhat destructive, as well as
disruptive and naturally much heavier metallicity worthy than helium,
and thus forever sticks with us or at least ends up in the oceans and
atmosphere. Vented helium on the other hand doesn’t bind with
anything, and unless gathered up and contained it tends to migrate
away from Earth because it’s easily solar wind extracted.

That's certainly a little off-topic, but indirectly it actually means
a lot. If we can manage to reduce the physical trauma to our
environment without our having to do without essential metallicity,
would be a very good thing. Better yet is when the off-world
metallicity is of higher quality and cheaper than terrestrial
alternatives, reducing social/political tensions seems like another
terrific benefit, not to mention the new and improved job security
might also be considered by some of us as a good thing, such as by
obtaining 10% of the annual metallicity from off-world resources could
easily provide a million high paying jobs with no end in sight, and
each of those jobs could easily spawn ten others.

Of course any 10% of annual metallicity supply may not seem all that
terrific, but considering the all-inclusive global savings and reduced
trauma to our environment plus a terrific energy savings should offer
a fairly impressive win-win kind of solution. William Mook and a few
others used to highly promote the vast wealth and benefits of their
off-world mining solutions, such as obtained from those asteroids
passing nearby, or from a few orbital planetoids that could be
relocated into a somewhat closer LEO or smacked into the farside of
our moon for processing, which might also be a terrific option for
terminating those items that could impose some future direct threat,
as to diverting their otherwise potential of impacting Earth. Last
time I’d checked, avoiding any asteroid imposed damage to our planet
could be worth many trillions, and possibly even worth a quadrillion,
plus this impact avoidance could easily save more than a billion of us
from certain death and others from the trauma of trying to survive and
rebuild everything.

So, a global supply of pure thorium as easily obtained from our
physically dark moon shouldn’t be scoffed at unless you have a better
idea. Many other valuable rare elements should also be considered as
a supplement or alternative to terrestrial derived elements.

Brad Guth, Brad_Guth, Brad.Guth, BradGuth, BG / “Guth Usenet”
Off-World metallicity is simply offering us the next great future gold-
rush x 1000, as a highly profitable metallicity prosperity era
providing darn good employment plus extremely valuable resources that
our planet as is seems to be running out of affordable and much less
environmentally failsafe options, not to mention the past and ongoing
environmental plus genetic trauma that’s caused by existing methods
(including human genetic mutations, multiple cancers and premature
deaths) that can be directly linked to existing mining, hydrocarbon
extractions, various processing activities and their methods of forced
cultivation and product distributions for our use and consumption in
order to sustain the mainstream status quo.
Assuming our planet Earth isn’t going to implode on us, the moon isn’t
going to fall on us and that our current or future leaders are not
going to cause WW3 or any other wars to happen, or that our
terrestrial metallicity cache of common and rare metals, minerals,
hydrocarbons, fresh water and our vast global biodiversity are never
going to get depleted past the point of no return, the only valid
reason for going off-world is simply for the greater fun, profits and
affording less terrestrial trauma to our frail environment that seems
to be in great need of salvaging as is, not to mention that our planet
has to accommodate billions more of us humans on their way plus coping
with our escalating GW/AGW factor that’s compromising virtually
everything we know and supposedly cherish about our overpopulated
planet as is.
Therefore, going off-world shouldn’t be such a bad thing, especially
when our trusty moon and the extremely nearby planet Venus are each so
locally accessible, and even our NASA/Apollo era proved how passive
and oddly inert our moon was to safely land upon and spend time
without any fears of excessive radiation, thermal shock or other
physical risk.  In other words, compared to the use of modern-day
stuff, the fairly primitive applied technology for those fly-by-rocket
landers plus safely accommodating humans and Kodak film was more than
good enough, even though that naked moon offered no magnetosphere as
defending against those fast arriving protons, neutrons, electrons as
well as X-rays and gamma were each non-issues, plus oddly the surface
of our moon wasn’t even the least bit physically dark nor anticathode
worthy (almost as though they’d unknowingly landed upon an isolated
guano island).
Unlike the colorblind NASA/Apollo era, it seems amateurs photographing
our physically dark moon via narrow bandpass optical filters is what
allows the those otherwise faint or subdued colors/hues of the various
metallicity elements to be recorded with sufficient saturation.  This
method is actually not false color or much less artificially assigned
colors, because all of those mineral colors are exactly true to their
visual and secondary/recoil hues of their natural visual spectrum plus
UV illuminated elements.
Of course nowadays with thermally stabilized CCD imagers having at
east 4 db or sixteen fold better dynamic range than film, plus added
spectrum sensitivity well above and below the human visual spectrum
(not to mention portable gamma spectrometry offering near 10 db better
resolution), is where prospecting for valuable minerals or metallicity
elements is going to be relatively easy, not that vast surface areas
are not well enough metallicity saturated as is.  Of course our NASA
hasn’t been any too keen on telling us what valuable elements are
there to take, just like their not mentioning what the planet Venus
has to offer seems to be another taboo/nondisclosure policy.
 Brad Guth, Brad_Guth, Brad.Guth, BradGuth, BG / “Guth Usenet”
Brad Guth
2011-12-29 19:40:18 UTC
How certain are we that our government hasn’t been telling us lies, by
obfuscation and/or by simply banishing anyone that knows the lest bit
of anything about off-world matters. Our government and those above
such authority certainly don’t want the rest of us to have anything to
do with William Mook or his Mokenergy, and he seems relatively
harmless, though bipolar and somewhat eccentric on steroids.

Why should we seriously bother with going after off-world metallicity?
(or perhaps a better question is, why the hell not?)

Are we actually that totally confident that our hydrocarbon fuels
(liquids, gasses and solids) are forever? (Are those social/political
and environmental consequences still entirely worth it? Or is the
global impression of us overreacting getting a little too real and
even thermonuclear real?) Of course with our NIF developing fusion
bombs, at least it could be a relatively clean kill, and eventually
the environment should recover without fear of genetic mutations.

Perhaps with our advanced WMD ability to deploy and utilize as much
force and false flags as necessary, and to otherwise dominate the
electronic/internet media and its data to the point of controlling all
global banking, investments and insurance that can be manipulated to
suit, is perhaps what other nations have to fear the most about us
becoming another one of “The Gods of Eden”

Instead of continually pushing our global resources and the frail
environment towards the point of no return, how about considering the
benefits of creating lifetime and multi-generation-proof jobs by the
millions, not to mention reduced environmental trauma and eliminating
our trade imbalance with a healthy surplus of products and energy to
spare, making America the global robber barons in charge of hoarding
and profiting at just about everything, essentially kicking out the
likes of any Rothschilds or Bank of China because we’d have at least
twice than those two combined.

Earth certainly isn’t depleted of sufficient metallicity, because
supposedly it still has absolutely everything we need and then some,
although much of the really good stuff that used to be easy to come by
seems to have become scarce as well as artificially hoarded, as well
as hidden or simply deeply sequestered within Earth, and perhaps
that’s a darn good thing since much of it and its processing is
relatively toxic to our surface environment. Even thorium and uranium
are better left in the soil and rock, rather than gathered up and
concentrated enough for fissions to take place, not to mention those
secondary fission byproducts created by processing and especially
using uranium seems to have become highly problematic and spendy as
hell for us (especially when those conventional reactors spit-up and/
or blow their guts out, not to mention spent fuel and always the
lingering threat of those pesky WMD considerations), so perhaps the
annual off-world supply of either of those elements would highly
benefit us.

The natural evolving geology of Earth is yet another consideration,
whereas globally we get to deal with something like 4~5 km3 of
volcanic solids and perhaps 4~5e3 km3 in composite gas vapors per
year. Most of what comes out is somewhat destructive, as well as
disruptive and naturally much heavier metallicity worthy than helium,
and thus forever sticks with us or at least ends up in the oceans and
atmosphere. Vented helium on the other hand doesn’t bind with
anything, and unless gathered up and contained it tends to migrate
away from Earth because it’s easily solar wind extracted.

That's certainly taking this a little off-topic, but indirectly it
actually means a lot. If we can manage to reduce the physical trauma
to our environment without our having to do without essential
metallicity, would be a very good thing. Better yet is when the off-
world metallicity is of higher quality and cheaper than terrestrial
alternatives, reducing social/political tensions seems like another
terrific benefit, not to mention the new and improved job security
might also be considered by some of us as a good thing, such as by
obtaining 10% of the annual metallicity from off-world resources could
easily provide a million high paying jobs with no end in sight, and
each of those jobs could easily spawn ten others.

Of course any 10% of annual metallicity supply may not seem all that
super terrific, but considering the all-inclusive global savings and
reduced trauma to our environment plus a terrific energy savings
should offer a fairly impressive win-win kind of solution. William
Mook and a few others used to highly promote the vast wealth and
benefits of their off-world mining solutions, such as obtained from
those asteroids passing nearby, or from a few orbital planetoids that
could be relocated into a somewhat closer LEO or smacked into the
farside of our moon for processing, which might also be a terrific
option for terminating those items that could impose some future
direct threat, as to diverting their otherwise potential of impacting
Earth. Last time I’d checked, avoiding any asteroid imposed damage to
our planet could be worth many trillions, and possibly even worth a
quadrillion, plus this impact avoidance could easily save more than a
billion of us from certain death and others from the trauma of trying
to survive and rebuild everything.

So, how about a global supply of pure thorium as easily obtained from
our physically dark moon, shouldn’t be scoffed at unless you have a
better idea. Many other valuable rare elements should also be
considered as a supplement or alternative to terrestrial derived
elements, unless you think our planet and its inhabitants can take all
the punishment that can be attributed, and then some. Though perhaps
if you don’t like the idea of anyone messing with our physically dark
and paramagnetic moon that’s supposedly made out of Earth, there’s
always the extremely nearby and totally vibrant plus geologically
active planet Venus to pillage and plunder, whereas “Guth Venus”
represents just one of many locations on Venus that should be
dominated and controlled by our guys, instead of Muslims or some other
cranky group that might not share.

Thumbnail images, including mgn_c115s095_1.gif (225 m/pixel)
Lava channels, Lo Shen Valles, Venus from Magellan Cycle 1
“Guth Venus”, at 10x resample/enlargement of the area in question:
Brad Guth / Blog and my Google document pages:
Brad Guth, Brad_Guth, Brad.Guth, BradGuth, BG / “Guth Usenet”
Off-World metallicity is simply offering us the next great future gold-
rush x 1000, as a highly profitable metallicity era providing darn
good employment plus extremely valuable resources that our planet as
is seems to be running out of affordable and much less environmentally
failsafe options, not to mention the past and ongoing environmental
plus genetic trauma that’s caused by existing methods (including human
genetic mutations, multiple cancers and premature deaths) that can be
directly linked to existing mining, hydrocarbon extractions, various
processing activities and their methods of forced cultivation and
product distributions for our use and consumption in order to sustain
the mainstream status quo.
Assuming our planet Earth isn’t going to implode on us, the moon isn’t
going to fall on us and that our current or future leaders are not
going to cause WW3, or that our terrestrial metallicity of common and
rare metals, minerals, hydrocarbons, fresh water and our global
biodiversity are never going to get depleted past the point of no
return, the only valid reason for going off-world is simply for the
greater fun, profits and less terrestrial trauma to our frail
environment that seems to be in great need of salvaging as is, not to
mention billions more of us humans on their way plus our escalating GW/
AGW factor that’s compromising virtually everything we know and
supposedly cherish about our overpopulated planet as is.
 Brad Guth, Brad_Guth, Brad.Guth, BradGuth, BG / “Guth Usenet”
Brad Guth
2011-12-29 20:46:49 UTC
Off-World metallicity is simply offering us the next great future gold-
rush x 1000, as a highly profitable metallicity era providing darn
good employment plus extremely valuable resources that our planet as
is seems to be running out of affordable and much less environmentally
failsafe options, not to mention the past and ongoing environmental
plus genetic trauma that’s caused by existing methods (including human
genetic mutations, multiple cancers and premature deaths) that can be
directly linked to existing mining, hydrocarbon extractions, various
processing activities and their methods of forced cultivation and
product distributions for our use and consumption in order to sustain
the mainstream status quo.
Assuming our planet Earth isn’t going to implode on us, the moon isn’t
going to fall on us and that our current or future leaders are not
going to cause WW3, or that our terrestrial metallicity of common and
rare metals, minerals, hydrocarbons, fresh water and our global
biodiversity are never going to get depleted past the point of no
return, the only valid reason for going off-world is simply for the
greater fun, profits and less terrestrial trauma to our frail
environment that seems to be in great need of salvaging as is, not to
mention billions more of us humans on their way plus our escalating GW/
AGW factor that’s compromising virtually everything we know and
supposedly cherish about our overpopulated planet as is.
 Brad Guth, Brad_Guth, Brad.Guth, BradGuth, BG / “Guth Usenet”
How certain are we that our government hasn’t been telling us lies, by
way of obfuscation and/or by simply banishing anyone that knows the
least bit of anything valid or informative about off-world matters.
Our government and those above such elected and/or appointed authority
certainly don’t want the rest of us to have anything to do with
William Mook or his Mokenergy, and yet he seems relatively harmless,
though bipolar and somewhat eccentric on steroids, at least he’s
informative and willing to share most of his ideas that’ll usually
require the wizard of Oz along with the financial resources of the
Rothschilds to accomplish, mostly because the rest of us are kind of
tapped out.

Why should we seriously bother with going after off-world metallicity?
(or perhaps a better question is, why the hell not?)

Are we actually that totally confident that our hydrocarbon fuels
(liquids, gasses and solids) are forever? (are those social/political
and environmental consequences still entirely worth it? or is the
global impression of us overreacting getting a little too real and
even thermonuclear risky?) Of course with our NIF developing fusion
bombs, at least it could be a relatively clean 6.5 billion kill, and
eventually the environment should recover without fear of genetic

Perhaps with our advanced WMD ability to deploy and utilize as much
force and false flags as necessary, and to otherwise dominate the
electronic/internet media and utilize its data to the point of
controlling all global banking, investments and insurance that can be
manipulated to suit, is perhaps what other nations have to fear the
most, about us becoming another one of “The Gods of Eden”

Instead of continually pushing our global resources and the frail
environment towards the point of no return, how about considering the
greater good and benefits of creating lifetime and multi-generation-
proof jobs by the millions, not to mention reduced environmental
trauma and eliminating our trade imbalance with a healthy surplus of
products and energy to spare, making America the global robber barons
in charge of hoarding and profiting at just about everything,
essentially kicking out the likes of any Rothschilds or Bank of China
because we’d have at least twice of those two combined.

Earth certainly isn’t depleted of sufficient metallicity, because
supposedly it still has absolutely everything we need and then some,
although much of the really good stuff that used to be easy to come by
seems to have become scarce as well as artificially hoarded, as well
as geologically hidden or simply deeply sequestered within Earth, and
perhaps that’s a darn good thing since much of it and its processing
is relatively toxic to our surface environment. Even thorium and
uranium are better left in the soil and rock, rather than gathered up
and concentrated enough for fissions to take place, not to mention
those secondary fission byproducts created by processing and
especially using uranium seems to have become highly problematic and
spendy as hell for us (especially when those conventional reactors
spit-up and/or blow their guts out, not to mention their considerable
spent fuel and always the lingering threat of those pesky WMD
considerations), so perhaps the annual off-world supply of either of
those elements would highly benefit us.

The natural evolving geology of Earth is yet another consideration
that has limits, whereas globally we get to deal with something like
4~5 km3 of volcanic solids and perhaps 4~5e3 km3 in composite gas
vapors per year. Most of what comes out is somewhat destructive, as
well as disruptive and naturally much heavier metallicity worthy than
helium, and thus forever sticks with us or at least ends up in the
oceans and atmosphere. Vented helium on the other hand doesn’t bind
with anything, and unless gathered up and contained it tends to
migrate away from Earth because it’s easily solar wind extracted.

That's certainly taking this a little off-topic, but indirectly it
actually means a lot to those few of us that honestly care. If we can
manage to reduce the physical trauma to our environment without our
having to do without essential metallicity, would be a very good
thing. Better yet is when the off-world metallicity is of higher
quality and cheaper than terrestrial alternatives, reducing social/
political tensions seems like another terrific benefit, not to mention
the new and improved job security might also be considered by some of
us as a good thing, such as by obtaining 10% of the annual metallicity
from off-world resources could easily provide a million high paying
jobs with no end in sight, and each of those jobs could easily spawn
ten others.

Of course any 10% of annual metallicity supply may not seem all that
super terrific, but considering the all-inclusive global savings and
reduced trauma to our environment plus a terrific energy savings
should offer a fairly impressive win-win kind of solution. William
Mook and a few others used to highly promote the vast wealth and
benefits of their off-world mining solutions, such as obtained from
those asteroids passing nearby, or from a few orbital planetoids that
could be relocated into a somewhat closer LEO or smacked into the
farside of our moon for processing, which might also be a terrific
option for terminating those items that could impose some future
direct threat, as to diverting their otherwise potential of impacting
Earth. Last time I’d checked, avoiding any asteroid imposed damage to
our planet could be worth many trillions, and possibly even worth a
quadrillion, plus this impact avoidance could easily save more than a
billion of us from certain death and others from the trauma of trying
to survive and rebuild everything.

So, how about a global supply of pure thorium as easily obtained from
our physically dark moon, shouldn’t be scoffed at unless you have a
better idea. Many other valuable rare elements should also be
considered as a supplement or alternative to terrestrial derived
elements, unless you think our planet and its inhabitants can take all
the punishment that can be attributed, and then some. Though perhaps
if you don’t like the idea of anyone messing with our physically dark
and paramagnetic moon that’s supposedly made out of Earth, there’s
always the extremely nearby and totally vibrant plus geologically
active planet Venus to pillage and plunder, whereas “Guth Venus”
represents just one of many locations on Venus that should be
dominated and controlled by our guys, instead of Muslims or some other
cranky group that might not share.

Thumbnail images, including mgn_c115s095_1.gif (225 m/pixel)
Lava channels, Lo Shen Valles, Venus from Magellan Cycle 1
“Guth Venus”, at 10x resample/enlargement of the area in question:
Brad Guth / Blog and my Google document pages:
Brad Guth, Brad_Guth, Brad.Guth, BradGuth, BG / “Guth Usenet”
Brad Guth
2012-01-06 12:42:27 UTC
With many terrestrial elements, it seems we are already near “Peak
Ore”, and on several rare-earths it has already gotten past peak ore
because, the cost of obtaining such natural elements has gotten more
complex and spendy than artificially creating them or simply doing
without by having to substitute with other composite alloys. Iridium
happens to be one of those rare-earth elements, whereas carboneous
chrondite meteors and asteroids known as C(4), and this most likely
includes portions of our naked moon because it’s acting as such a
terrific anticathode for gamma, can be rather highly saturated enough
to be worth going after. No doubt asteroid YU55 is a C(4), so it’s no
wonder they (NASA/DARPA/JPL and all others associated) obfuscated by
having never bothered to get us any gamma spectrometry for estimating
its density and subsequent mass for 2005-YU55, because they don’t seem
to want private enterprise getting wild ideas that could seriously pay
off big time.

It has long been speculated that “Most significantly 25% of the
material in the asteroid belt as well as Demos and Phobos, the moons
of Mars, are made of this same material”

“There is another feature of the C(4). It is 10,000 times richer in
the platinum series metals (platinum, iridium, osmium, gold, silver)
as the richest ores on the earth! The earth was molten long after its
formation. During this period the heavier metals sank to the core
under gravitational influences making them rare on the minable
surface. Because the material in the asteroid belt was never subjected
to gravitational influence these precious metals are homogenous.
Harvesting this God given bonanza would create a paradigm shift in
industry here on earth. Gold would be so abundant that it could be
used for all electrical circuitry. Alloys of enormously hard metals
like osmium and iridium could be used on the wear points of all
industrial equipment for the production of machines that would not
wear out. All of mankind would benefit !! (all except the monopolists
who depend upon creating shortages for their wealth and power).”

“Dr. John Coleman tells of a BILDERBERGER type meeting held in GREAT
BRITAIN in 1968 attended by the lions of world finance including David
Rockefeller and his operatives Henry Kissinger and Zbignew Brezinski.
After a long procession of speakers denouncing the U.S. space program,
the conference chairman concluded with a demand that the U.S. "shut
down its space program" followed by David Rockfeller's assurance that
this would be done. The unparalleled industrial progress that created
APOLLO was interfering with the elitist plans to deindustrialize the
US. Dr. Coleman has not produced the requested minutes of this meeting
but it rings true to me. In 1973 Nixon devastated NASA by cutting the
budget by 2/3 and throwing 2\3 of the scientists out on the street. It
took me 10 years to learn that the fate of the space program that I
was so dedicated to had already been sealed years before I had even

“An important part of this betrayal was the STRATEGIC DEFENSE
INITIATIVE. This, the most wasteful of all space programs soaked away
funding from the commercial development of space which was its only

Going off-world for valuable metallicity and even the likes of
carbonado/diamond is just getting a little easier than we’ve been
told, especially when some of these little to large captured asteroids
as temporary moons are orbiting more than sufficiently nearby.
Unfortunately, it seems our NASA has been systemically colorblind,
therefore whatever deep colors/hues of surface metallicity are not
being made available for our review, such as Vesta by Hubble color and
then by way of Dawn is a perfectly good example of how our NASA can’t
seem to cure its own nearsighted colorblind affliction or
dysfunction. Here’s a typical composite of Hubble and Dawn:
Loading Image...
So there’s simply no telling if we’re looking at sodium, gold,
platinum, thorium, carbonado or any lump of coal, and apparently our
gamma spectrometry science of mapping the metallicity of Vesta simply
isn’t working. Apparently, the closer we get to something of an
asteroid or moon, the brighter its albedo and the less color/hue
saturations exist, as well as anything UV reactive simply doesn’t
exist, even though modern cameras have considerably better dynamic
range of contrast and colors (including IR to UV) than any Kodak color
film could possibly offer.

Perhaps going after such off-world metallicity is actually a very good
thing, not that digging up and/or excavating our way through another
fraction of a percent of our Eden, plus extensive recycling shouldn’t
get us by (in between all the usual environmental compromises, mostly
negative consequences, international and racial/ethnicity conflicts
that usually involve some degree of faith-based policy, and wars often
related to terrestrial metallicity and hydrocarbons derived from the
very existence of such elements). Thus far we’ve processed through
and/or having excavated and sucked dry roughly .000001% of our planet
as is, and that ten billionths of our planet is only worth 60 trillion
tonnes. However, adding in what we’ve intentionally and accidentally
cleared and/or having cultivated and helped eroded to death is perhaps
worth an all-inclusive 6 quadrillion tonnes (.0001% or 6000 trillion
tonnes) thus far, so perhaps we’ve still got a really long ways to go
before ever reaching that dreaded point of no return, of our having to
meticulously sift through 0.1% of Earth in order to squeeze out those
last drops or cubic meters of hydrocarbons plus extracting those
valuable metallicity elements, that which might not even be possible
without our going below our relatively thin crust, is another good
thousand years of considerable disparity and wars upon wars away.

Perhaps this is why the ruling oligarchs and Rothschilds of our planet
could honestly care less about funding or allowing any such public or
private investments on behalf of off-world expeditions or advancing
applied technology towards those sorts of metallicity goals, because
we still have sufficient terrestrial resources plus easily contrived
shortages to exploit as is.

In addition to the bedrock and innards of whatever our moon has to
offer, CME sputtering is essentially the solar wind enhancing the
surface metallicity, by further darkening plus further enrichment of
our moon. However, those ionized sodium and potassium elements as
having sublimed from within the moon, as solar heated and
electrostatic suspended within that extremely tenuous lunar atmosphere
is naturally what those CMEs and regular solar winds can most easily
excavate and abscond with, especially good at removing any hydrogen
and helium.

The sodium metallicity cloud and its comet like tail of lunar derived
sodium doesn’t fully disperse below 5 Na/cm3 until having been blown
nearly 900,000 km, whereas above the atmospheric scale height of 120 ±
42 kilometers is still the tremendous volume and considerable mass of
Na that has to be sustained and/or replenished within all of this
surrounding plus its unavoidably trailing cloud, is hardly
representing an insignificant loss of this Na.

“Spectra of the region just above the bright limb of the Moon show
weak emission features that are attributed to resonant scattering of
sunlight from sodium and potassium vapor in the lunar atmosphere. The
maximum omnidirectional emission flux above the bright limb is 3.8 ±
0.4 kilorayleighs for sodium and 1.8 ± 0.4 kiloray-leighs for
potassium. The zenith column densities above the subsolar point are
estimated to be 8 ± 3 x 108 atoms cm-2 for sodium 1.4 ± 0.3 x 108
atoms cm-2 for potassium. Corresponding surface densities are 67 ± 12
atoms cm-3 and 15 ± 3 atoms cm-3, respectively. The scale height for
the sodium atmosphere is 120 ± 42 kilometers, and for potassium 90 ±
20 kilometers, which implies that the effective temperature of the
sodium and potassium is close to the lunar surface temperature. The
sodium density at the south polar region was found to be similar to
that at the subsolar point, indicating wide-spread distribution of
sodium vapor over the lunar surface. The ratio of the density of
sodium to the density of potassium is (6 ± 3) to 1, which is close to
the sodium to potassium ratio in the lunar surface, suggesting that
the atmosphere originates from the vaporization of surface minerals.”

Actually gold should always be a highly stable lunar element that’s
still going to remain as a very nifty metal that's always in high
demand, because it’s still extremely good for all sorts of terrific
stuff, besides just always looking good it’ll also be kind of hard to
replace with other alloys that are any easier or less spendy to come
by. By rights our physically dark moon should be saturated with its
fair share of gold deposits and otherwise hosting many other valuable
metallicity elements, because any good color image of the physically
dark lunar surface proves that such a terrific assortment of metal
ores do exist, as well as the sodium atmosphere is another dead give
away that our moon has been giving off loads of that metallicity
element for quite some time.

Perhaps the next time we actually walk upon that physically dark and
metallicity saturated moon of ours (no technological sweat according
to our NASA and DARPA Apollo wizards as of 4+ decades ago), that's
unavoidably paramagnetic basalt and highly anticathode worthy, we
should establish some actual interactive science instruments that'll
provide real-time objective science data on demand. There's always a
first time for everything, so why not accomplish our moon and set up
camp, at least using TBMs for going deep inside where it's going to be
perfectly safe and consistently cozy?

We could deploy a lunar qualified version of R2D2 as our LR2D2
telerobotic android geologist scout, having a few mechanical
prospecting tools and science including gamma spectrometry and of
course multiple 100X zoom optical and 16.8e6 pixel imagers that’ll
cover 350 to 1050 nm plus having at least 8 narrow spectrum bandpass
filters or spectrum enhanced saturation channels plus a visual
bandpass limited spectrum filter to work with. Obviously this LR2D2
could be fairly substantial in its volume and mass, powered by a load
of HTP plus solar that’s now capable of 100% efficiency, and otherwise
a small plutonium powered generator, because according to our Apollo
era stipulated that its dusty surface isn’t very deep and traction is
never a problem with such terrific clumping and surface tension to
work with, and those Apollo controlled soft landings haven’t been an
insurmountable fly-by-rocket problem for roughly five decades.

However, if the NWO or OWG is going to become simply a new and
improved force of evil upon evil, whereas only the bully oligarchs and
Rothschilds as mutually competitive robber barons get to decide most
everything, then it's not going to become such a good thing for off-
world metallicity, much less fair and balanced for the other 99.9999%
of us that’ll always get to work hard in order to keep paying for
everything. Perhaps that’s the most important message in those
Georgia Guide Stones, telling us that a maximum of 500 million get to
remain and dominate this planet because that’s all this nearly spent
planet can possibly accommodate as a fully unified world population
without involving social, political and faith-based insurmountable
issues or environmental consequences from excessive human population
and environmental disregard.

I’m always into rethinking, of what little social/political corruption
is left for grabs is kind of the remainders of crumbs within our
mostly public funded cookie jar, because all of those really good
cookies of unpunishable crimes of greed and corruption at the upper
most social/political and faith-based level have already been taken
and consumed by those truly in charge of whomever we elect or appoint,
and clearly some of the most mainstream religion(s) can’t be trusted
to police its own kind. Without some kind of revised future that’ll
have to include off-world resources or else a substantial reduction in
global population, that’s kind of like our terrestrial God being
forever lost, up that fast moving creek without a prayer, and the
longer we wait the greater risk of losing what little we have becomes
a reality.

Perhaps it's past due that we the evil villagers with each of our fist
full of burning sticks should take charge, and if need be storm and
burn down the castles of those evil robber barons oppressing and
misguiding us, because to William Mook and many others, with applied
physics and existing technology this planet of ours can accommodate
billions more without our having to go off-world in seeking greater
riches and/or in further pursuit of even the basics that’ll be
required for sustaining terrestrial life as we know it. Of course the
already rich and powerful could care less, because they honestly think
they’ve got it made no matters what local or global consequences take
place. So, it's kind of the new evil of us village idiots going up
against the old established collective evil(s), and may the best bad
guys win. Of course it’s only the most evil victors that ever get to
interpret and publish their version of history, so that whatever
mistakes or do-overs at public expense can be forgotten and/or
continually blamed on those other evil bad guys that were the losers.
Clearly, it seems only us few good guys of Usenet/newsgroups are the
losers, perhaps because we didn’t get to cheat and obfuscate our way
to the top.

Brad Guth, Brad_Guth, Brad.Guth, BradGuth, BG / “Guth Usenet”
Off-Worldmetallicityis simply offering us the next great future gold-
rush x 1000, as a highly profitablemetallicityera providing darn
good employment plus extremely valuable resources that our planet as
is seems to be running out of affordable and much less environmentally
failsafe options, not to mention the past and ongoing environmental
plus genetic trauma that’s caused by existing methods (including human
genetic mutations, multiple cancers and premature deaths) that can be
directly linked to existing mining, hydrocarbon extractions, various
processing activities and their methods of forced cultivation and
product distributions for our use and consumption in order to sustain
the mainstream status quo.
Assuming our planet Earth isn’t going to implode on us, the moon isn’t
going to fall on us and that our current or future leaders are not
going to cause WW3, or that our terrestrialmetallicityof common and
rare metals, minerals, hydrocarbons, fresh water and our global
biodiversity are never going to get depleted past the point of no
return, the only valid reason for going off-world is simply for the
greater fun, profits and less terrestrial trauma to our frail
environment that seems to be in great need of salvaging as is, not to
mention billions more of us humans on their way plus our escalating GW/
AGW factor that’s compromising virtually everything we know and
supposedly cherish about our overpopulated planet as is.
 Brad Guth, Brad_Guth, Brad.Guth,BradGuth, BG / “Guth Usenet”
Brad Guth
2012-01-06 13:15:10 UTC
Supposedly, everything about our precious solar system was created at
the exact same time (+/- a few days or at most years), and everything
of metallicity either existed from the terrific molecular/nebula cloud
or was fabricated from those initial start-up reactions and fusions
within our progenitor sun that’s just a little more massive (perhaps
50% greater) than average, because by far the vast majority of stars
seem to be red dwarfs.

So why are those basalt meteorites made of our physically dark moon
(even confirmed as dark and contrasty by LRO) different than the less
metallicity and less paramagnetic basalt rocks of Earth.? And why is
Venus seemingly acting as a newer planet with its higher saturation of
surface thorium and uranium that should nave sunk into the core along
with most other heavy elements?

Because of the vast amount of the nearly empty space between stars
(other than a few wandering/rogue planets, planetoids, their moons and
asteroids), it’s supposedly unlikely for an established solar system
to capture all that much if anything. However, apparently I’m not the
one and only researcher that has recently interpreted the best
available science as to suggesting otherwise.

Considering the range of 1e29 kg to 1e33 kg as star worthy, kinda
makes a lot of stuff count as stars, not to mention those black holes
that either came from something truly big and massive or materialized
from a collective of many massive stars that terminated as a singular
mass. Even brown dwarfs can merge into becoming a red dwarf, so
perhaps we should include those options as well.

Earth-sized worlds (such as Venus) are becoming detectable out to 1000
ly, and there’s no doubt of detecting more of the same further out is
just a matter of tweaking their software and using newer telescopes to
double/triple check. Of course the vast majority of solar systems are
too far away and not going to be sufficiently aligned on edge enough
to even give the best astrophysics/astronomy any shot at detecting
their existence.

In addition to the K-12 mainstream norm of our galaxy hosing several
hundred billion stars, perhaps there’s trillions of those other
smaller stars and by rights we’re naturally talking of allowing for
trillions of perfectly viable planets that by rights should also exist
within our galaxy. In other words, it’s looking as though we have at
the very least 10 times as many red dwarfs as all other stars
These many dwarf stars are quantified as something less than half the
mass of our sun, and perhaps most of them are only worth a tenth the
mass. This interpretation doesn’t exclude such red dwarfs from
parenting original planets of their own, and any star that’s half or
less mass than our sun is going to last a very long time, thereby
giving its planet(s) a better chance at evolving complex and even
intelligent other life.

If all the stars we’d thought we’d known of amounted to 5e11, you can
safely bet there’s at least another 5e12 as red dwarfs, and perhaps
there’s yet another ten fold as brown dwarfs or large gas giants with
possibly earth-sized moons, making the all inclusive population of our
galaxy worth 5.55e13 if we’re talking all-inclusive from brown dwarfs
to neutron/quasar and black holes. So it’s not very hard to suggest a
probability of discovering sufficiently Earth like or at least
technically adaptable planets that could easily populate our galaxy at
a few trillion, especially numerous when taking all those wandering/
rogue planets, planetoids and their moons from spent stars as having
turned into white dwarfs that lost planets.

Don’t forget that regular as well as wandering/rogue gas giants as sub-
brown-dwarfs could easily host those Earth-sized moons. Also,
supposedly our very own galaxy manages to reincarnate or give birth to
at least 50 and perhaps near a hundred new stars per year, and if
that’s any linear factor of going back in time, represents for every
billion years might suggest that we have in this one galaxy another 50
to 100 billion new stars with planets to work with, times the number
of billion years old this galaxy is. In other words, there’s
absolutely no shortage of stars nor that of Earth-sized planets to
pick from, and our galaxy mass could easily be worth 1.2e43 kg and the
larger Andromeda galaxy worth perhaps half again that much.

If only 0.1% of those Earth-sized planets managed to originate complex
life that turned into something intelligent (which by the way
shouldn’t have to include radio/microwave communications capability),
doesn’t seem to be nearly so dismal or unlikely as we’re being
informed by our colorblind and observationology dysfunctional peers
that have nothing better to do than topic/author stalk in order to
trash and/or disqualify all outsiders, just like GW Bush, Dick Cheney,
most mainstream faith-based cabals or mafias and naturally Hitler had
to do.

We should always keep asking ourselves; Why bother to look any
further than we have to, especially when the extremely nearby planet
Venus seems to suggest all sorts of possibilities in spite of its
environment not being naked dumbfounded Goldilocks approved.
Fortunately, some of us are more than smart enough to deal with that
geothermally toasty environment, although convincing most others stuck
in mainstream naysay status-quo, is clearly not in the cards.

"A new scientific truth does not triumph by convincing its opponents
and making them see the light, but rather because its opponents
eventually die, and a new generation grows up that is familiar with
it." / Max Planck

Thumbnail images of Venus, including mgn_c115s095_1.gif (225 m/pixel)
Lava channels, Lo Shen Valles, Venus from Magellan Cycle 1
“Guth Venus”, at 1:1, then 10x resample/enlargement of the area in
Brad Guth / Blog and my Google document pages:
Brad Guth, Brad_Guth, Brad.Guth, BradGuth, BG / “Guth Usenet”
Brad Guth
2012-01-07 15:52:44 UTC
Those mostly carbon elements of metallicity have to include
hydrocarbons, because at least our form of life being carbon based is
perhaps why most other life and chemistry as we know it has to evolve
along with and/or coexist with carbons.

Are those terrestrial hydrocarbons forever?
Are hydrocarbons abiogenic from metallicity and geology?
Is Earth as our compatible Eden as good as it gets for intelligent
Can’t truly intelligent other life adapt via applied physics, science
and research for the general betterment of their life as they know it?
(or are they and their planet doomed as badly as us?)

How dead-certain are we that our government hasn’t been telling us
fibs or lies, by way of obfuscation and/or by simply banishing anyone
that knows the least bit of anything valid or informative about off-
world matters. Our government and those above such elected and/or
appointed authority certainly don’t want the rest of us to have
anything to do with William Mook or his Mokenergy/Mokaerospace, and
yet he seems relatively harmless though bipolar and somewhat survival
eccentric on steroids, but at least he’s informative and willing to
share most of his ideas that’ll usually require the wizard of Oz along
with the financial resources of the Rothschilds and Bilderbergs to
accomplish, mostly because the rest of us are kind of tapped out
because of how our government has failed us.

Why should we seriously bother with going after off-world metallicity?
(or perhaps a whole lot better question is; why the hell not?)

Are we actually that totally confident that our hydrocarbon fuels
(liquids, gasses and solids) are forever? (are those social/political
and environmental consequences still entirely worth it? or is the
global impression of us overreacting getting a little too real and
even thermonuclear risky?) Of course with our NIF developing fusion
bombs, at least it could be a relatively clean 6.5 billion kill, and
eventually the environment should recover without fear of genetic
mutations from excessive or accumulative radiation.

Perhaps with our advanced WMD ability to deploy and utilize as much
lethal force and false flags as necessary, and to otherwise dominate
the electronic/internet media and utilize its data to the point of
eavesdropping and controlling all global banking, investments and
insurance that can be manipulated to suit, is perhaps what other
nations have to fear the most, about us becoming another one of “The
Gods of Eden”

Instead of continually pushing our global resources and the frail
environment towards the point of no return, how about considering the
greater good and benefits of creating those lifetime and multi-
generation-proof jobs by the millions, not to mention reduced
environmental trauma and eliminating our trade imbalance with a
healthy surplus of products and energy to spare, making America the
global robber barons in charge of hoarding and profiting at just about
everything, essentially kicking out the likes of any Rothschilds or
Bank of China because we’d have at least twice the wealth and
authority of those two combined.

Earth certainly isn’t depleted of metallicity, because supposedly it
still has absolutely everything we need and then some, although much
of the really good stuff that used to be easy to come by seems to have
become scarce as well as artificially hoarded, as well as geologically
hidden or simply deeply sequestered within Earth, and perhaps that’s a
darn good thing since much of it and its processing is relatively
toxic to our surface environment. Even thorium and uranium are better
left in the soil and rock, rather than gathered up and concentrated
enough for fissions to take place, not to mention those secondary
fission byproducts created by processing and especially using uranium
seems to have become highly problematic and spendy as hell for us
(especially when those conventional reactors spit-up and/or blow their
guts out, not to mention their considerable spent fuel and always the
lingering threat of those pesky WMD considerations that utilize
plutonium), so perhaps the annual off-world supply of either of those
elements would highly benefit us.

The natural evolving geology of Earth is yet another consideration
that has certain limits and variables, whereas globally we get to deal
with something like 4~5 km3 of volcanic solids and perhaps 4~5e3 km3
in composite gas vapors per year. Most of what comes out is somewhat
destructive, as well as disruptive and naturally much heavier
metallicity worthy than helium, and thus forever sticks with us or at
least ends up in the oceans and atmosphere. Vented helium on the
other hand doesn’t stick or molecular bind with anything, and unless
gathered up and contained it tends to migrate away from Earth because
it’s easily solar wind extracted.

That's certainly taking this a little off-topic, but indirectly it
actually means a lot to those few of us that honestly care. If we can
manage to reduce the physical trauma to our environment without our
having to do without essential metallicity, would be a very good
thing. Better yet is when the off-world metallicity is of higher
quality and cheaper than terrestrial alternatives, reducing social/
political tensions seems like another terrific benefit, not to mention
the new and improved job security might also be considered by some of
us as a good thing, such as by obtaining 10% of the annual metallicity
from off-world resources could easily provide a million high paying
jobs with no end in sight, and each of those jobs could easily spawn
ten others.

Of course any 10% of annual metallicity supply may not seem all that
super terrific, but considering the all-inclusive global savings and
reduced trauma to our environment plus a terrific energy savings
should offer a fairly impressive win-win kind of solution. William
Mook and a few others used to highly promote the vast wealth and
benefits of their off-world mining solutions, such as obtained from
those asteroids passing nearby, or from a few orbital planetoids that
could be relocated into a somewhat closer LEO or smacked into the
farside of our moon for processing, which might also be a terrific
option for terminating those items that could impose some future
direct threat, as to diverting their otherwise potential of impacting
Earth. Last time I’d checked, avoiding any asteroid imposed damage to
our planet could be worth many trillions, and possibly even worth a
quadrillion, plus this impact avoidance could easily save more than a
billion of us from certain death and others from the trauma of trying
to survive and rebuild everything.

So, how about a global supply of pure thorium as easily obtained from
our physically dark moon, shouldn’t be scoffed at unless you have a
better idea. Many other valuable rare elements should also be
considered as a supplement or alternative to terrestrial derived
elements, unless you think our planet and its inhabitants can take all
the punishment that can be attributed, and then some. Though perhaps
if you don’t like the idea of anyone messing with our physically dark
and paramagnetic moon that’s always mainstream hyped as supposedly
made out of Earth, there’s always the extremely nearby and totally
vibrant plus geologically active planet Venus to pillage and plunder,
whereas “Guth Venus” represents just one of many locations on Venus
that should be dominated and controlled by our guys, instead of
Muslims or some other cranky group that might not share.

Thumbnail images, including mgn_c115s095_1.gif (225 m/pixel)
Lava channels, Lo Shen Valles, Venus from Magellan Cycle 1
“Guth Venus”, at 1:1, then 10x resample/enlargement of the area in
Brad Guth / Blog and my Google document pages:
Brad Guth, Brad_Guth, Brad.Guth, BradGuth, BG / “Guth Usenet”
Off-World metallicity is simply offering us the next great future gold-
rush x 1000, as a highly profitable metallicity era providing darn
good employment plus extremely valuable resources that our planet as
is seems to be running out of affordable and much less environmentally
failsafe options, not to mention the past and ongoing environmental
plus genetic trauma that’s caused by existing methods (including human
genetic mutations, multiple cancers and premature deaths) that can be
directly linked to existing mining, hydrocarbon extractions, various
processing activities and their methods of forced cultivation and
product distributions for our use and consumption in order to sustain
the mainstream status quo.
Assuming our planet Earth isn’t going to implode on us, the moon isn’t
going to fall on us and that our current or future leaders are not
going to cause WW3, or that our terrestrial metallicity of common and
rare metals, minerals, hydrocarbons, fresh water and our global
biodiversity are never going to get depleted past the point of no
return, the only valid reason for going off-world is simply for the
greater fun, profits and less terrestrial trauma to our frail
environment that seems to be in great need of salvaging as is, not to
mention billions more of us humans on their way plus our escalating GW/
AGW factor that’s compromising virtually everything we know and
supposedly cherish about our overpopulated planet as is.
 Brad Guth, Brad_Guth, Brad.Guth, BradGuth, BG / “Guth Usenet”
Brad Guth
2012-01-09 18:20:12 UTC
The extremely nearby planet Venus is actually the ultimate metallicity
mother-lode, not that our metallicity saturated moon is exactly
deficient nor offering inert matter as highly reflective and
monochromatic as depicted by most of those NASA/Apollo and Kodak film
recoded images of monochromatic pastel grays. Off-World metallicity
is simply offering us the next great future gold-rush x 1000, as a
highly profitable metallicity prosperity era providing darn good
employment plus extremely valuable resources that our planet as is
seems to be running out of affordable and much less environmentally
failsafe options, not to mention the past and ongoing environmental
plus genetic trauma that’s causing genetic mutations by existing
methods that can be directly linked to existing mining, hydrocarbon
extractions, various processing activities and methods of forced
cultivation and product distributions for our use and consumption, in
order to sustain the mainstream status quo that is supposedly never
responsible for anything bad that ever happens.

Assuming our planet Earth isn’t going to implode on us, the moon isn’t
going to fall on us and that our current or future leaders are not
going to cause WW3 or any other wars to happen, or that our
terrestrial metallicity cache of common and rare metals, minerals,
hydrocarbons, fresh water and our vast global biodiversity are never
going to get depleted past the point of no return, the only valid
reason for going off-world is simply for the greater fun, profits and
affording less terrestrial trauma to our frail environment that seems
to be in great need of salvaging as is, not to mention that our planet
has to accommodate billions more of us humans on their way plus coping
with our escalating GW/AGW factor that’s compromising virtually
everything we know and supposedly cherish about our overpopulated
planet as is.

Therefore, going off-world shouldn’t be such a bad thing, especially
when our trusty moon and the extremely nearby planet Venus are each so
locally accessible, and even our NASA/Apollo era proved how downright
passive and oddly inert our moon was to safely land upon and spend
time without any fears of excessive radiation, thermal shock or other
physical risk. In other words, compared to the use of modern-day
stuff, the fairly primitive applied technology for those Apollo fly-by-
rocket landers plus safely accommodating humans and Kodak film was
more than good enough, even though that naked moon offered no
magnetosphere as defending against those fast arriving protons,
neutrons, electrons as well as X-rays and gamma were each non-issues,
plus oddly the surface of our moon wasn’t even the least bit
physically dark nor anticathode worthy (almost as though they’d
unknowingly landed upon an isolated guano island that was easily
sculpted and landscaped to look kind of moon like).

Unlike the colorblind NASA/Apollo era, whereas any physical dark item
such as coal reflects as a white/off-white near monochromatic spectrum
of pastel grays, even though amateurs photographing our physically
dark moon via narrow bandpass optical filters manage to obtain
whatever those otherwise natural but faint or subdued colors/hues of
the various metallicity elements that can be easily recorded with
sufficient color saturation. This method is actually not introducing
false colors or much less using artificially assigned colors, because
all of those mineral colors are exactly true as to their visual and
secondary/recoil hues of their natural reflective visual spectrum,
plus offering whatever UV illuminated elements should represent.

Of course, nowadays with thermally stabilized CCD imagers having at
east 4 db or sixteen fold better dynamic range than film, plus added
spectrum sensitivity well terrific sensitivity above and below the
human visual spectrum (not to mention portable gamma spectrometry
offering near 10 db better resolution), is where prospecting for
valuable minerals or metallicity elements is going to be relatively
easy, not that vast surface areas are not well enough metallicity
saturated as is. Of course our metallicity colorblind DARPA and NASA
hasn’t been any too keen on telling us what valuable elements are
there to take, just like their not mentioning what the planet Venus
has to offer, seems to be another taboo/nondisclosure policy of need-
to-know or simply obfuscation in order to avoid sharing the public-
funded whole truth and nothing but the truth.

Brad Guth, Brad_Guth, Brad.Guth, BradGuth, BG / “Guth Usenet”
Brad Guth
2012-01-09 18:22:34 UTC
With many of our terrestrial elements, it seems we are already
approaching “Peak Ore”, and for some rare-earths it has already gotten
us a little past peak-ore because, the cost of obtaining such natural
elements has gotten more complex and spendy than artificially creating
them or simply doing without by having to substitute with other
composite alloys. Iridium happens to be one of those rare-earth
elements, whereas carboneous chrondite meteors and asteroids known as
C(4), and this type most likely includes portions of our naked moon
because it’s acting as such a terrific anticathode for gamma, can be
rather highly saturated enough to be worth going after. No doubt
asteroid YU55 is a C(4), so perhaps it’s no wonder they (NASA/DARPA/
JPL/ASU and all others associated) obfuscated by having never bothered
to get us any gamma spectrometry for estimating its density and
subsequent mass for 2005-YU55, because they don’t seem to want private
enterprise getting wild ideas that could seriously pay off, big time.

It has long been speculated that “Most significantly 25% of the
material in the asteroid belt as well as Demos and Phobos, the moons
of Mars, are made of this same material”

“There is another feature of the C(4). It is 10,000 times richer in
the platinum series metals (platinum, iridium, osmium, gold, silver)
as the richest ores on the earth! The earth was molten long after its
formation. During this period the heavier metals sank to the core
under gravitational influences making them rare on the minable
surface. Because the material in the asteroid belt was never subjected
to gravitational influence these precious metals are homogenous.
Harvesting this God given bonanza would create a paradigm shift in
industry here on earth. Gold would be so abundant that it could be
used for all electrical circuitry. Alloys of enormously hard metals
like osmium and iridium could be used on the wear points of all
industrial equipment for the production of machines that would not
wear out. All of mankind would benefit !! (all except the monopolists
who depend upon creating shortages for their wealth and power).”

“Dr. John Coleman tells of a BILDERBERGER type meeting held in GREAT
BRITAIN in 1968 attended by the lions of world finance including David
Rockefeller and his operatives Henry Kissinger and Zbignew Brezinski.
After a long procession of speakers denouncing the U.S. space program,
the conference chairman concluded with a demand that the U.S. "shut
down its space program" followed by David Rockfeller's assurance that
this would be done. The unparalleled industrial progress that created
APOLLO was interfering with the elitist plans to deindustrialize the
US. Dr. Coleman has not produced the requested minutes of this meeting
but it rings true to me. In 1973 Nixon devastated NASA by cutting the
budget by 2/3 and throwing 2\3 of the scientists out on the street. It
took me 10 years to learn that the fate of the space program that I
was so dedicated to had already been sealed years before I had even

“An important part of this betrayal was the STRATEGIC DEFENSE
INITIATIVE. This, the most wasteful of all space programs soaked away
funding from the commercial development of space which was its only

Going off-world for valuable metallicity and even the likes of
carbonado/diamond is just getting a little easier than we’ve been
told, especially when some of these little to large captured asteroids
become temporary moons as orbiting more than sufficiently nearby.
Unfortunately, it seems our NASA has been systemically colorblind,
therefore whatever deep colors/hues of surface metallicity are not
being made available for our investigative review, such as Vesta by
way of Hubble color and then by way of Dawn is a perfectly good
example of how our NASA can’t seem to cure its own nearsighted
colorblind affliction or dysfunction of such limited dynamic range.
Here’s a typical composite of Hubble and Dawn:
So there’s simply no telling if we’re looking at sodium, gold,
platinum, thorium, carbonado or any lump of coal, and apparently our
gamma spectrometry science of mapping the metallicity of Vesta simply
isn’t working. Apparently, the closer we get to something of an
asteroid or moon, the brighter its albedo and the less color/hue
saturations exist, as well as anything UV reactive simply doesn’t
exist, even though modern cameras have considerably better dynamic
range of contrast and colors (including IR to UV) than any Kodak color
film could possibly offer.

Perhaps going after such off-world metallicity is actually a very good
thing, not that digging up and/or excavating our way through another
fraction of a percent of our Eden, plus extensive recycling shouldn’t
get us by (in between all the usual environmental compromises, mostly
negative consequences, international and racial/ethnicity conflicts
that usually involve some degree of faith-based policy, and wars often
related to terrestrial metallicity and hydrocarbons derived from the
very existence of such elements). Thus far we’ve processed through
and/or having excavated and sucked dry roughly .000001% of our planet
as is, and that ten billionths of our planet is only worth 60 trillion
tonnes. However, adding in what we’ve intentionally and accidentally
cleared and/or having cultivated and helped eroded to death is perhaps
worth an all-inclusive 6 quadrillion tonnes (.0001% or 6000 trillion
tonnes) thus far, so perhaps we’ve still got a really long ways to go
before ever reaching that dreaded point of no return, of our having to
meticulously sift through 0.1% of Earth in order to squeeze out those
last drops or cubic meters of hydrocarbons plus extracting those
valuable metallicity elements, that which might not even be possible
without our going below our relatively thin crust, is another good
thousand years of considerable disparity and wars upon wars away.

Perhaps this is why the ruling oligarchs and Rothschilds of our planet
could honestly care less about funding or allowing any such public or
private investments on behalf of off-world expeditions or advancing
applied technology towards those sorts of metallicity goals, because
we still have sufficient terrestrial resources plus easily contrived
shortages to exploit as is.

In addition to the bedrock and innards of whatever our moon has to
offer, CME sputtering is essentially the solar wind enhancing the
surface metallicity, by further darkening plus further enrichment of
our moon. However, those ionized sodium and potassium elements as
having sublimed from within the moon, as solar heated and
electrostatic suspended within that extremely tenuous lunar atmosphere
is naturally what those CMEs and regular solar winds can most easily
excavate and abscond with, especially good at removing any hydrogen
and helium.

The sodium metallicity cloud and its comet like tail of lunar derived
sodium doesn’t fully disperse below 5 Na/cm3 until having been blown
nearly 900,000 km, whereas above the atmospheric scale height of 120 ±
42 kilometers is still the tremendous volume and considerable mass of
Na that has to be sustained and/or replenished within all of this
surrounding plus its unavoidably trailing cloud, is hardly
representing an insignificant loss of this Na.

“Spectra of the region just above the bright limb of the Moon show
weak emission features that are attributed to resonant scattering of
sunlight from sodium and potassium vapor in the lunar atmosphere. The
maximum omnidirectional emission flux above the bright limb is 3.8 ±
0.4 kilorayleighs for sodium and 1.8 ± 0.4 kiloray-leighs for
potassium. The zenith column densities above the subsolar point are
estimated to be 8 ± 3 x 108 atoms cm-2 for sodium 1.4 ± 0.3 x 108
atoms cm-2 for potassium. Corresponding surface densities are 67 ± 12
atoms cm-3 and 15 ± 3 atoms cm-3, respectively. The scale height for
the sodium atmosphere is 120 ± 42 kilometers, and for potassium 90 ±
20 kilometers, which implies that the effective temperature of the
sodium and potassium is close to the lunar surface temperature. The
sodium density at the south polar region was found to be similar to
that at the subsolar point, indicating wide-spread distribution of
sodium vapor over the lunar surface. The ratio of the density of
sodium to the density of potassium is (6 ± 3) to 1, which is close to
the sodium to potassium ratio in the lunar surface, suggesting that
the atmosphere originates from the vaporization of surface minerals.”

Actually, gold should always be a highly stable lunar element that’s
still going to remain as a very nifty metal that's always in high
demand, because it’s still extremely good for all sorts of terrific
stuff, besides just always looking good it’ll also be kind of hard to
replace with other alloys that are any easier or less spendy to come
by. By rights our physically dark moon should be saturated with its
fair share of gold deposits and otherwise hosting many other valuable
metallicity elements, because any good color image of the physically
dark lunar surface proves that such a terrific assortment of metal
ores do exist, as well as the sodium atmosphere is another dead give
away that our moon has been giving off loads of that metallicity
element for quite some time.

Perhaps the next time we actually walk upon that physically dark and
metallicity saturated moon of ours (no technological sweat according
to our NASA and DARPA Apollo wizards as of 4+ decades ago), that's
unavoidably paramagnetic basalt and highly anticathode worthy, we
should establish some actual interactive science instruments that'll
provide real-time objective science data on demand. There's always a
first time for everything, so why not accomplish our moon and set up
camp, at least using TBMs for going deep inside where it's going to be
perfectly safe and consistently cozy?

We could deploy a lunar qualified version of R2D2 as our LR2D2
telerobotic android geologist scout, having a few mechanical
prospecting tools and science including gamma spectrometry and of
course multiple 100X zoom optical and 16.8e6 pixel imagers that’ll
cover 350 to 1050 nm plus having at least 8 narrow spectrum bandpass
filters or spectrum enhanced saturation channels plus a visual
bandpass limited spectrum filter to work with. Obviously this LR2D2
could be fairly substantial in its volume and mass, powered by a load
of HTP plus solar that’s now capable of 100% efficiency, and otherwise
a small plutonium powered generator, because according to our Apollo
era stipulated that its dusty surface isn’t very deep and traction is
never a problem with such terrific clumping and surface tension to
work with, and those Apollo controlled soft landings haven’t been an
insurmountable fly-by-rocket problem for roughly five decades.

The moon Io is yet another good example of a dynamically active
resource of terrific metallicity that oddly isn’t the least bit
monochromatic according to those Galileo spacecraft images. Even
though its orbit only varies by 3,400 km (a fraction of what our moon
varies 42,840 km) it seems to get tidal modulated enough in places to
more than fry an egg, though on average radiating only 2 w/m2 (roughly
a tenth that of Venus), so there’s no shortages of Io metallicity nor
local energy for processing.

“The scientists have estimated that Io's magma ocean is some 50km (30
miles) thick, and bubbling away at a temperature above 1,200°C. Its
presence under a low-density crust of around 30 to 50km (20 to 30
miles) explains why the moon's volcanoes are dotted all over its
surface, rather than in "localised hotspots" as happens at the
boundaries of Earth's tectonic plates.”

However, if the NWO or OWG is going to become simply a new and
improved force of evil upon evil, whereas only the bully oligarchs and
Rothschilds as mutually competitive robber barons get to decide most
everything, then it's not going to become such a good thing for off-
world metallicity, much less fair and balanced for the other 99.9999%
of us that’ll always get to work hard in order to keep paying for
everything. Perhaps that’s the most important message in those
Georgia Guide Stones, telling us that a maximum of 500 million get to
remain and dominate this planet because that’s all this nearly spent
planet can possibly accommodate as a fully unified world population
without involving social, political and faith-based insurmountable
issues or environmental consequences from excessive human population
and environmental disregard.

I’m always into rethinking, of what little social/political corruption
is left for grabs is kind of the remainders of crumbs within our
mostly public funded cookie jar, because all of those really good
cookies of unpunishable crimes of greed and corruption at the upper
most social/political and faith-based level have already been taken
and consumed by those truly in charge of whomever we elect or appoint,
and clearly some of the most mainstream religion(s) can’t be trusted
to police its own kind. Without some kind of revised future that’ll
have to include off-world resources or else a substantial reduction in
global population, that’s kind of like our terrestrial God being
forever lost, up that fast moving creek without a prayer, and the
longer we wait the greater risk of losing what little we have becomes
a reality.

Perhaps it's past due that we the evil unstatus-quo villagers with
each of our fist full of burning sticks should take charge, and if
need be storm and burn down the castles of those evil robber barons
oppressing and misguiding us, because to William Mook and many others,
with applied physics and existing technology this planet of ours can
accommodate billions more without our having to go off-world in
seeking greater riches and/or in further pursuit of even the basics
that’ll be required for sustaining terrestrial life as we know it. Of
course the already rich and powerful could care less, because they
honestly think they’ve got it made no matters what local or global
consequences take place. So, it's kind of the new evil of us village
idiots going up against the old established collective oligarch
evil(s), and may the best bad-guys win. Of course it’s only the most
evil victors that ever get to interpret and publish their version of
history, so that whatever mistakes or do-overs at public expense can
be forgotten and/or continually blamed on those other evil bad guys
that were the losers. Clearly, it seems only us few good guys of
Usenet/newsgroups are the losers, perhaps because we didn’t get to
cheat and obfuscate our way to the top.

Brad Guth, Brad_Guth, Brad.Guth, BradGuth, BG / “Guth Usenet”
Post by Brad Guth
The extremely nearby planet Venus is actually the ultimate metallicity
mother-lode, not that our metallicity saturated moon is exactly
deficient nor offering inert matter as highly reflective and
monochromatic as depicted by most of those NASA/Apollo and Kodak film
recoded images of monochromatic pastel grays.  Off-World metallicity
is simply offering us the next great future gold-rush x 1000, as a
highly profitable metallicity prosperity era providing darn good
employment plus extremely valuable resources that our planet as is
seems to be running out of affordable and much less environmentally
failsafe options, not to mention the past and ongoing environmental
plus genetic trauma that’s causing genetic mutations by existing
methods that can be directly linked to existing mining, hydrocarbon
extractions, various processing activities and methods of forced
cultivation and product distributions for our use and consumption, in
order to sustain the mainstream status quo that is supposedly never
responsible for anything bad that ever happens.
Assuming our planet Earth isn’t going to implode on us, the moon isn’t
going to fall on us and that our current or future leaders are not
going to cause WW3 or any other wars to happen, or that our
terrestrial metallicity cache of common and rare metals, minerals,
hydrocarbons, fresh water and our vast global biodiversity are never
going to get depleted past the point of no return, the only valid
reason for going off-world is simply for the greater fun, profits and
affording less terrestrial trauma to our frail environment that seems
to be in great need of salvaging as is, not to mention that our planet
has to accommodate billions more of us humans on their way plus coping
with our escalating GW/AGW factor that’s compromising virtually
everything we know and supposedly cherish about our overpopulated
planet as is.
Therefore, going off-world shouldn’t be such a bad thing, especially
when our trusty moon and the extremely nearby planet Venus are each so
locally accessible, and even our NASA/Apollo era proved how downright
passive and oddly inert our moon was to safely land upon and spend
time without any fears of excessive radiation, thermal shock or other
physical risk.  In other words, compared to the use of modern-day
stuff, the fairly primitive applied technology for those Apollo fly-by-
rocket landers plus safely accommodating humans and Kodak film was
more than good enough, even though that naked moon offered no
magnetosphere as defending against those fast arriving protons,
neutrons, electrons as well as X-rays and gamma were each non-issues,
plus oddly the surface of our moon wasn’t even the least bit
physically dark nor anticathode worthy (almost as though they’d
unknowingly landed upon an isolated guano island that was easily
sculpted and landscaped to look kind of moon like).
Unlike the colorblind NASA/Apollo era, whereas any physical dark item
such as coal reflects as a white/off-white near monochromatic spectrum
of pastel grays, even though amateurs photographing our physically
dark moon via narrow bandpass optical filters manage to obtain
whatever those otherwise natural but faint or subdued colors/hues of
the various metallicity elements that can be easily recorded with
sufficient color saturation.  This method is actually not introducing
false colors or much less using artificially assigned colors, because
all of those mineral colors are exactly true as to their visual and
secondary/recoil hues of their natural reflective visual spectrum,
plus offering whatever UV illuminated elements should represent.
Of course, nowadays with thermally stabilized CCD imagers having at
east 4 db or sixteen fold better dynamic range than film, plus added
spectrum sensitivity well terrific sensitivity above and below the
human visual spectrum (not to mention portable gamma spectrometry
offering near 10 db better resolution), is where prospecting for
valuable minerals or metallicity elements is going to be relatively
easy, not that vast surface areas are not well enough metallicity
saturated as is.  Of course our metallicity colorblind DARPA and NASA
hasn’t been any too keen on telling us what valuable elements are
there to take, just like their not mentioning what the planet Venus
has to offer, seems to be another taboo/nondisclosure policy of need-
to-know or simply obfuscation in order to avoid sharing the public-
funded whole truth and nothing but the truth.
 Brad Guth, Brad_Guth, Brad.Guth, BradGuth, BG / “Guth Usenet”