Buh-bye, coal-fired electricity . . .
(too old to reply)
Wang Chui
2016-03-10 03:10:18 UTC
In article <59a5e50e-eef2-4c84-a1db-
The Chinese build 2 more coal plants EACH MONTH to power cities with tens of MILLIONS of people in them. Canada with its 36M doesn't even register.
Australia doesn't give a shit either. Australia is the world
second largest coal exporter at 75%, topped only by Indonesia at

Are those stupid greenies living on a beach in southern cali or
florida? Let them go live in the winter states and be
responsible for staying warm with whatever they can lay their
hands on. See how fast that obama live green crap lasts.
2016-03-10 19:23:17 UTC
Post by Wang Chui
Australia doesn't give a shit either. Australia is the world
second largest coal exporter at 75%, topped only by Indonesia at
Are those stupid greenies living on a beach in southern cali or
florida? Let them go live in the winter states and be
responsible for staying warm with whatever they can lay their
hands on. See how fast that obama live green crap lasts.
Ah but that's 'different'
Troll killer
2016-03-11 07:34:59 UTC
Post by Wang Chui
The Chinese build 2 more coal plants EACH MONTH to power cities with
tens of MILLIONS of people in them. Canada with its 36M doesn't even
Post by Wang Chui
Australia doesn't give a shit either.
Garbage. Australian right retards don't give a shit, but normal people
want this idiocy stopped.
Post by Wang Chui
Australia is the world second
largest coal exporter at 75%, topped only by Indonesia at 86%.
Based on the effects of current mining bust coal mines have become
increasingly un-viable.
Post by Wang Chui
Are those stupid greenies living on a beach in southern cali or florida?
Whoever lives on those beaches they better get ready to move. 2015 has
brought us as yet the highest increase in atmospheric CO2 levels ever
recorded. We keep up this idiocy and the climate will run wild well
beyond what is now considered as manageable. Coastal areas will get
flooded regardless of what right retards and Tea-Party flat-Earther
nutjobs pontificate.
Post by Wang Chui
Let them go live in the winter states and be responsible for staying
warm with whatever they can lay their hands on.
You don't know the difference between weather and climate and even less
of what happens when climate changes.
Post by Wang Chui
See how fast that obama live green crap lasts.
Australia does not give a shit about right retard Obama hates.
Keep this crap where it belongs...on the dumbfuck stupid septic Yankland!
In alt.fan.rush-limbaugh!